Search Engine Optimized WordPress Theme

I would like to introduce my readers to a good friend of mine. I have been reading Garry Conn‘s blog since day 1 of starting my blog and I still do. Every time I visit his blog I come away hevaing learnt something. He has to be one of the most helpful bloggers around.

Hello everyone! This is Garry Conn and K has offered me a wonderful opportunity to write this brief post on his blog. I am totally appreciative to have this opportunity. I want to tell you about a brand new WordPress Theme that I just unveiled called, Digs’em. Digs’em stands for Digg and SEM. We all know about Digg, but many people might not be aware of SEM. SEM stands for Search Engine Marketing and in order to be successful with marketing your blog, business, products or services in the search engine, you have to have a search engine friendly and optimized web design. Digs’em is your solution!

I have invested my skills and experience into designing my first official WordPress theme for general public use. This WordPress theme is very well coded and extremely search engine friendly… most importantly, it’s FREE!! Head on over to and check it out LIVE and download your free copy!

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6 Responses to “Search Engine Optimized WordPress Theme”

  1. Garry Conn January 27, 2008 at 12:15 am #


    Thanks so much for your warm comments in the lead into the post. That is truly awesome… I have always believed in being considerate, helpful and giving to others… Life has a funny way of repaying good efforts… some people call it karma.

    I genuinely enjoy helping others find success in blogging. Digs’em is just one of those “once in a blue moon” type WordPress themes that I feel can make a huge difference in a blogger’s life.

    I has been a huge success so far and I quickly plan on releasing some difference CSS color scheme options for the people who don’t like the traditional greens on white. 🙂

    Cheers and thanks so much for the good word you put in.

    Best Regards,
    Garry Conn

  2. K January 27, 2008 at 12:22 am #

    Every word of it is true and I could have kept going.. but since that was supposed to be your post, I tried to keep it down to a few words. 😉

    Kidding aside, it truly shows that you are after helping other bloggers and the huge community you have at is just another evidence that fellow bloggers love your blog. I look forward to the different color schemes! Keep up the great work man!

  3. skarld January 28, 2008 at 2:23 am #

    This is a great concept theme. Social networking is the new SEO. Garry might consider doing themes based on other social networks as well.

    Readers can vote for Digs’em as their favorite WordPress theme on wpthemez.

    skarld’s last blog post..Black and White is an SEO Adsense Ready WordPress Theme

  4. K January 28, 2008 at 3:03 pm #

    skarld, that’s very true! This is a cool theme and sure to get popular. Plus, the colors option will definitely be welcomed. I am going over to vote at Thanks for the heads up!

  5. wosb July 17, 2011 at 4:30 pm #

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