I am a firm believer in showing love to my readers, bloggers and non-bloggers alike. I have been a ‘Do Follow‘ adopter from the very beginning of my blogging days.
For those unaware, WordPress makes comments a ‘nofollow’ link to make it unattractive to spammers. But, there has been a movement to reward commentators with a linkback by removing the nofollow from comments. The DoFollow WordPress plugin makes this really easy to acheive.
So, anyone leaving a comment here will get a PR5 link back to their website helping them a little in their search engine ranking. Yes, ShanKri-la just went from PR4 to PR5 with the latest pagerank update!
CommentLuv is another awesome plugin in use in ShanKri-la. This is purely to highlight the commentator’s latest post automatically by parsing their blog’s feed. So, with every comment you leave, your latest post is automatically showcased in your comment giving you some exposure with my other readers.
Even though you get these benefits, the links to your site doesn’t carry much weight like a link with a targeted keyword as anchor text. That’s why we see comments with names like ‘Free iPod nano’, ‘Detroit Real Estate’. Although it looks spammy, some of these folks are well meaning and leave comments that contribute to their discussion. I can tell a spam comment most of the time and I delete them without hesitation. I do allow comments with keywords but I still don’t get to know the name of the person leaving the comment.
My friend Stephen Cronin has solved this problem with his new plugin, KeyWordLuv. Here is an excerpt:
KeywordLuv helps you reward your commentators by separating their name from their keywords in the link to their site. This gives them improved anchor text, which can help their site rank higher in the search engine results.
You can now leave a comment with your name as well as a keyword of your choice here and get a PR5 link back to your site! How cool is that? People pay big bucks for that and all you have to do is comment here.
Here is how you do it:
Leave a comment with the name field like this : (spaces are fine)
K-IntheHouse@Top Firefox Extensions
The name link in the comment will appear as:
K-IntheHouse from Top Firefox Extensions
If you are a registered user, make sure you logout to see this. Check out Stephen’s other useful WordPress plugins as well.
Words of Love
I have taken the time to make this blog friendly as well as rewarding to you should you participate in any discussion here. And I highly encourage you to do so as a blog’s real value most times lies in the discussions & comments.
But, please don’t abuse it by leaving meaningless comments like ‘Nice post’ just to get some keyword love. It doesn’t help anyone and I will delete it even though I appreciate the encouragement.
Are you ready for some loving?
(image credit: geishaboy500)
While the do-follow is much sought after these days, a no-follow will still get you some traffic as well, depending on the niche of the site which you leave your comments on.
What is the advantage of comment luv? It seems like the owner of the blog gets new content in the form of comments?
Thanks for sharing Keywordluv, is a great way to attract comments to your blog and each time someone drops a coment the google bot have new content and keywords to index you for so its a win win.
What a way to help both parties when blogging! Merci…
I changed few of my blogs to DoFollow and CommentLuv. This will attract more comments and more free content.
Roy@internet marketing trainings last blog post..Michael Cheney- The man behind Delta Squadron
I’ve done the same; changed my blogs to DoFollow and CommentLuv. Sure I’ve been getting a whole lot more traffic. However, I’ve also been getting a whole lot more spamming. Is there something that can be done?
Hanna @ ClickBank Quantum Controls last blog post..About Us
Wordpress provides us lot of useful plug-ins.Commentluv is best among them it gives the extra link to commenter as reward for the quality comment.Also it bring the traffic for the blog.So win situation for all.
Thanks for the sharing.
Very nice post.
Commentluv and keywordluv are the great plug_in.It is very useful for both commenter and blog owner.
Thanks for the sharing the information.
Webinar companys last blog post..Video Web Cam Chat – A New Era Of Communication For Businesses
That’s great. Congratulations on the page rank promotion, and thanks for supporting the dofollow campaign.
WP is the way to go. It seems they have a plug in for just about everything. I use both WP and Blogger blogs and WP is by far the best blogging platform. The do-follow movement is the best thing for bloggers to support each other.
Keywordluv is a great way to get more visitors to your blog, since i downloaded the plugin my site has had many more comments. I do want to add that most of the comments are thoughtful and not just a ‘nice job” response
aww how come keywordluv was discontinued here? I think its the best thing to hit blogs, and also i heard it helps reduce the spam from bots too
.-= thc detox´s last blog ..Suboxone Detox =-.
Pretty good article, keywordluv looks like its here to stay.
Good piece. I’ve made the mistake of starting out my blogging with blogger before realising wordpress was really the way to go, with CommentLuv being one of the main reasons. Blogger are starting to catch up a little with the range of plug ins available but it’s probably a little too late now.
I see you’ve dropped KeywordLuv – was it the spam that made you do it?
.-= Mac Jones´s last blog ..Next 18 months critical for Sony’s PlayStation brand =-.
I agree with one commenter who said that CommentLuv is one of the top reasons to use WordPress. However, I don’t think it’s the only reason. After all, WP is easy to use, it’s powerful and it’s free — those are equally good reasons.
.-= Hanna @ Pumpkin Stencil´s last blog ..Pumpkin Carving Software =-.
I really like comment luv its a great plug in. I have been getting traffic for my different blogs using methods.
.-= Mike´s last blog ..Milwaukee 16-Inch Electric Chainsaw =-.
This is working so well for me. I hope many others take advantage of the backlinks these plugins can provide.
Hi! My name is David! You really do have a ton of comments here – congrats! I still cannot figure out the difference between commentluv and keywordluv. All I can say is that since I’ve been using these plugins on my websites and leaving relevant comments on other blogs with these plugins I’ve had much better results in the search engines than by promoting with social bookmarking. thanks, david 🙂
.-= David @Fast Food Restaurant Coupons´s last blog ..Dairy Queen Coupons =-.
May we have more and more and more do follow blogs provided every day and every hour in every minute.
.-= Digital Dreamspace´s last blog ..Microsoft Office 2010 =-.
I have only just started using the keywordluv plugin so thank you for the information, I have recieved quite a few spam comments to one of my blogs but as they are held for moderation its not a problem, I do wonder though how long it will take google to see a pattern forming with the use of the plugins and alter their algorithm to detect these type of backlinks.
.-= spencer @ mens halloween costumes´s last blog ..Star Wars Fancy Dress =-.
I do want to earn legit street cred. However, why was keywordluv plugin deactivated. I was considering using it – since the post IS all about using it. A catch-22 situation?
.-= Richie P´s last blog ..Casino and Pokers Sites That Accept US Players =-.
Great site and congrats on the ranking. This is a great plug-in I use them on my site as well it is a great way to get new fresh unique content as well as rewarding people with great backlinks. Keep up the good work!
.-= Tom @ worldwinner games´s last blog ..Do Follow, Keyword Luv, Comment Luv and Top Commentor =-.
Have only just discovered these three plugins, keywordluv,commentluv and Top Commentors. All are top class for webmasters wanting to optimise their sites for SEO. Brilliant.
.-= Colin´s last blog ..Local Tourist Attraction Tree Top Adventure =-.
I just wanted to thank you very much for giving me the opportunity to leave a keywordluv comment on your site! Much appreciated my friend.
I use keywordluv on my site too… so feel free!
.-= Sean @ Fluenz spanish´s last blog ..Privacy Policy =-.
i gotta install some luvin back at my blog, thanks for this post
.-= roselynn´s last blog ..SlimDelices Chocla Slim Chocolate Squares, 24 Count =-.
Thanks for the post, i enjoyed reading it. blogging is not as easy as many think it is, it’s hardwork. any how thanks.
Commentluv and Keywordluv are presently the bloggers best friend because it really creates more traffic and rewards commenters with backlinks. I loved these 2 plugins…They are really a great help to bloggers.
Hello, I need luv so I’m heading for comment here. CommentLuv and KeywordLuv is very important in our region. Thank you to these plugins. We hope you can help me classify my blog.nu00a0Kamagra
I also use the commentluv and dofollow plugins on all my WordPress sites. I found these plugins really great as it helps to bring more traffic to my sites. By the way, I haven’t seen Keywordluv as available plugin to WordPress site. Any suggestion please? Thanks.
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CommentLuv snd KeywordLuv are very beneficial for the blog owners to enhance their traffic.While the commentators gets the opportunity to leave a link on their keywords.So its very useful to have them.
Wow!That’s really a good feedback with excellent writing.I haven’t seen Keywordluv as available plugin to WordPress site. Any suggestion please? Thanks.
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Thanks for sharing this great information. I really enjoyed reading about this,and I’m going to let other people know about this as well. Thanks
Yeah!!!… Comment Luv Rocks!
ohhh they always bother me and dont allow me to leave comments!!!!!!!!))))))))))))))))))))
This is actually Disqus not Comment Luv, and the page is PR2 not PR5. That’s the home page of your blog. Plus the link juice gets divided by the number of links from the page.
Excellent info, really appreciate the writeup.
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I also see the advantages of using KeywordLuv for it allows bloggers or commentators to post their name instead of their keyword alone.