I am a firm believer in showing love to my readers, bloggers and non-bloggers alike. I have been a ‘Do Follow‘ adopter from the very beginning of my blogging days.
For those unaware, WordPress makes comments a ‘nofollow’ link to make it unattractive to spammers. But, there has been a movement to reward commentators with a linkback by removing the nofollow from comments. The DoFollow WordPress plugin makes this really easy to acheive.
So, anyone leaving a comment here will get a PR5 link back to their website helping them a little in their search engine ranking. Yes, ShanKri-la just went from PR4 to PR5 with the latest pagerank update!
CommentLuv is another awesome plugin in use in ShanKri-la. This is purely to highlight the commentator’s latest post automatically by parsing their blog’s feed. So, with every comment you leave, your latest post is automatically showcased in your comment giving you some exposure with my other readers.
Even though you get these benefits, the links to your site doesn’t carry much weight like a link with a targeted keyword as anchor text. That’s why we see comments with names like ‘Free iPod nano’, ‘Detroit Real Estate’. Although it looks spammy, some of these folks are well meaning and leave comments that contribute to their discussion. I can tell a spam comment most of the time and I delete them without hesitation. I do allow comments with keywords but I still don’t get to know the name of the person leaving the comment.
My friend Stephen Cronin has solved this problem with his new plugin, KeyWordLuv. Here is an excerpt:
KeywordLuv helps you reward your commentators by separating their name from their keywords in the link to their site. This gives them improved anchor text, which can help their site rank higher in the search engine results.
You can now leave a comment with your name as well as a keyword of your choice here and get a PR5 link back to your site! How cool is that? People pay big bucks for that and all you have to do is comment here.
Here is how you do it:
Leave a comment with the name field like this : (spaces are fine)
K-IntheHouse@Top Firefox Extensions
The name link in the comment will appear as:
K-IntheHouse from Top Firefox Extensions
If you are a registered user, make sure you logout to see this. Check out Stephen’s other useful WordPress plugins as well.
Words of Love
I have taken the time to make this blog friendly as well as rewarding to you should you participate in any discussion here. And I highly encourage you to do so as a blog’s real value most times lies in the discussions & comments.
But, please don’t abuse it by leaving meaningless comments like ‘Nice post’ just to get some keyword love. It doesn’t help anyone and I will delete it even though I appreciate the encouragement.
Are you ready for some loving?
(image credit: geishaboy500)
I think Comment Luv is one of the best ways to reward your commentators. I have been using it on my blog since day one. The Keyword luv looks good too
Abhijeets last blog post..Solve the Partial Feeds Problem With Google Reader
Abhijeet, I couldn’t agree with you more and would love to see more bloggers implement it.
You made a nice decision. And many thanks to your friend’s plug-in. Have a nice day!
Hello, this is the first time I am hearing about keyword luv plugin….Thanks for that……
Pavan Kumars last blog post..How hot is your motherboard [Pics]
Thanks for being a part of the DoFollow movement…. I am also a part of the DoFollow movement…. you could get the top commentators plugin, and have the ultimate dofollow site… hehe… if you want a cool dofollow blog search engine, check out my site…
Link Building Bibles last blog post..Site News: An Update and I Added the Cool Comment Info Tip Plugin
For this to work, I guess we need to enter some keywords in the Name field?
Anyways nice plugin.
Nirmals last blog post..How to take Screenshot with Vista Standard Snipping Tool
Jolin, you too! Thanks for taking the time to comment and hope to see you more.
Pavankumar, I am sure when this plugin hits the mainstream, it is going to create some ripples. Let’s spread the word for Stephen.
Link Building Bible, you are welcome and you have a very nice site as well and like the do-follow search engine! I do have the Top Commentator plugin and you can see it in action in the footer.
Nirmal, for this to work you would enter the ‘Name’ field as Name@Keyword You Like. For example, if you enter Nirmal@World Class Blogger it will appear as Nirmal from World Class Blogger.
First time I am hearing about how to reward commentors on your blog. Really good tips which I will implement on my blog to boost return traffic.
Dominiques last blog post..TT-Magazine Interview- Motherโs Day Special
Spreading the word can be done anyway, but implementing the same on nofollow blog to spread the word seems to be ridiculous right?
Pavan Kumars last blog post..Can you select this text?
One thing here to tell you, just check out the post pointed by the commentluv plugin for me, and go through comments section.
Hey buddy, congrats on the PR boost!
I hope you’re doing well. ๐
Marks last blog post..Reviewing Iron Man, The Movie
Keyword Luv looks great. I will be downloading and installing that on my animal blog tomorrow.
I have been meaning to make all my wordpress blogs dofollow. Will it make all the old comments dofollow to?
Thanks a lot of the heads up.
Congrats on PR 5! Enjoy ๐
Shankar Ganeshs last blog post..One New York Times Website Trick You May Not Know About
I have been thinking about installing Comment Luv plugin on my blog. Does it generate any load on the Database queries.
Dominique, welcome to ShanKri-la and glad you found the tips useful. ๐
Pavan, I’ll check it out, thanks.
Mark, doing good and great to see you buddy! Just been very busy with personal life lately and haven’t been to your blog.
Forest, thanks and glad you like it! I am sure the dofollow plugin makes even your old comments will have the nofollow tag removed from the links.
Shankar, thanks buddy!
Madhur, if it does it’s minimal. It’s got a little bit of ajax majic as you can see it fetching from your feed to display the current post. I think the incentive it gives is much more to me personally even if it does a little bit.
Seems to me it’s time to install Commentluv plugin on my own blog as well.
Anyways, congrats on PR5.
I love the part of being able to see what a commentator in my blog is currently talking about at present! Very easily. ๐
Great post. I love the commentluv plugin. And now that they have created this keywordluv its even better. What a great concept.
I love this plugin. It’s always nice to get a little link love when contributing and joining in blogs.
Thank you.
Yeah, my blog is nofollow free too! That’s one of the way to appreciate loyal readers. KeywordLuv is totally new to me, thanks for the heads up.
Syahid A.s last blog post..How to Give Your HFS File Server a Host Name with DynDNS
I never thought about getting two links back when you comment on a blog with CommentLuv. Now there is more reason to comment than ever before!
Work At Home Jobss last blog post..Work From Home Jobs / Work At Home Jobs
I had never heard of Keyword Luv plug-in until I read about it here. That’s a terrific way to demonstrate appreciate for your readers. Thank you.
Small correction – your home page has good PR but this particular post won’t have as high a PR – PR is per page not site. Commentluv is a fantastic plugin and I use on most of my blogs, havent tried kwluv yet but its on my to do list!
Me to strongly believe in dofollow thats why i have removed nofollow attribute from my comment field and backlink field but is it possible to add commentluv or some simmiler plugin to blogspot.com blog?
I appreciate what you do keeping your blog follow. Its hard to track proper blogs but at the same time gotta give you some respect. thanks for the follow through.
Long live Keyword Luv! Thanks for helping out so many people with your do follow and keyword support.
Tims last blog post..Discovery Ridge in Calgary
Nice plugin. Appreciate for the link love ๐
I’m really happy that such plugin has finally released. I’ll surely use it on my blog. Join this movement and we will beat Google.
Williams last blog post..Free Symbian games, ringtones, apps from Nokia MOSH
I’m happy that this plugin has finally released. I’ll definitely use it on my blog.
Mincas last blog post..Polls before Pennsylvania primary: Obama most popular
I think this is one of the best or if not the best plugin created for wordpress at the moment.
Juniors last blog post..Google Adsense Profits Mixed In With Affiliate Marketing
Wow, the comments in this post is just evidence that these plugins are invaluable for the blogger community. I see many of you already have and if you haven’t yet you could show your appreciation by dropping by at the plugin authors’ blogs and saying a few nice words!
Again, thanks everyone for participating and getting in on this great opportunity that will benefit your fellow bloggers! ๐
I have CommentLuv on a few blogs now. I need to see about adding KeywordLuv. One step at a time. Both of these plugins should be used by everyone. Share the wealth. ๐
Stephan Millers last blog post..Free Clickbank Ad Generator
Thanks for your help dude, I really do appreciate the extra exposure and link love. It’s beginning to get harder and harder to find good relevant back links now a days, but i guess that comes with the game to eliminate the weaklings lol!
Paul A
finally something like this comes along… now everyone can be happy! @_@
KeywordLuv is an awesome plugin and in my opinion it benefits both – the blogger and the commentator. It gives a real incentive to write a comment and it makes the comments of people who want to use their own keywords not so spammy. In normal Do-follow blogs you always have the risk of your comment being deleted just because it is considered spam when you do not use your real name…
I’ve got CommentLuv installed on my blog and am really liking it, it’s a great reward to people who take the time to comment on your site.
With regards to dofollow – I used to have this on my site, then back in December made my site nofollow again – I’m really in two minds as to whether to go back to dofollow.
I’d love to get more comments on my site, but would it mean having to spend more time checking for spam comments? Does anyone know if Google have made any indications that they disapprove of the dofollow movement? – I’m thinking they could start penalising like they did for paidlinks as they could say it’s distorting their index rankings?
I like the idea of KeywordLuv with or without dofollow and will take a look at that for Zath – cheers!
I’m personally not a big fan of NoFollow myself (it has uses), although what would be a nice treat is if there was a way to manage the URLs that you allowed to follow and the ones you didn’t want followed. Some nive code the change the link code so that if someone is on your blacklist they don’t get Follows no matter how many links they try to spam you with.
Thanks for taking the thought to reward your readers. I see that this is paying off for you with a fantastic community growing.
Only just discovered commnetluv and keywordluv – great stuff
JBOs last blog post..Money Off Coupon – Matrox Multi Monitor Converter
Commentluv is a great way to get visitors back – link love is important in this day so nice to see someone reward their visitors. Not only this, having quality posts does indeed help.
All the best and I will be returning soon.
Great Post… I am going to be using these plugins on my blog too, if it helps make the readers experience better, it’s definitely something to have.
Terrance Charles
I am a big fan of the CommentLuv plugin. However, I don’t like KeywordLuv. I think if people are using keywords as the link text they are obviously only interested in the link. If they are posting ‘legitimate’ comments it is probably just because they know they will get deleted otherwise.
I just found out about keyword luv! I love it! It is such a great plugin! THanks sooo much for the info!
How refreshing it is to find blogs like this with great information! Thanks for your work!
Raphaels last blog post..Think Before You Speak!
Those 2 plugins used together are amazing. safe to assume your comments have risen significantly since installing them?
BlogMeTheMoneys last blog post..Adsense Alternatives: Part 4 of 4
Hi K,
I’m a bit behind on my reading (as always), so I only just saw this!
Thanks for all the kind words and the links. I’m glad people find KeywordLuv useful!
Also, congrats on the PR5, well deserved!
Stephen Cronins last blog post..BullGuard – What A Load Of Bull!
Iโm new to blogging, but CommentLuv seems like an excellent idea. It both encourages commenters (spammers can still be moderated) and also keeps commentersโ anchor text clean, and rewards them with an extra back link.
Robs last blog post..Countrywide Bank CD Rates
Wow, I’ve been seeing more sites using commentluv and keywordluv lately.
*I love the preview section you have below the comments section.
Susans last blog post..Black Gloss
I just installed the Commentluv plugin on my blog as well.Every blogger needs more constructive and useful comments on their blogs and this is a plugin that encourages to leave a comment.Congratulations for hitting PR 5.
Tom At The Home Business Archives last blog post..Do You Mixx?
Stephen, as you can see I am not that fast replying to comments either. I am really so happy to see the reaction your plugin is getting. Just going to show how brilliant this idea is. Thanks and hope to see yours go up too. It’s very well deserved.
Rob, CommentLuv & KeywordLuv together is a sure way kick start discussions in your blog. A nice little reward for anyone taking the time to do so.
Susan, thanks and hope to see you jump in too. ๐
Tom, thanks a lot! That’s so true.. a blog with little comments can be a little depressing. I have been there.
I really like these plug-ins. It gives value to the person who’s spending their valuable time at your site, and benefits your site by encouraging participation and increasing user-generated content. I don’t have a whole lot of time to spend reading blogs, and you can bet I’ll spend that time on the blogs that give me the most value in return.
It’s a good idea to use a spam plug-in like Spam Karma at the same time, to keep out the riff raff.