If you bought OS X Lion software recently, you would have found out that you have no physical disk for later re-installs. Apple has decided to sell OS X Lion only through their Mac App Store.
But, I posted on how to create Mac OS X Lion boot disc earlier.
Now, there is an even easier way to create your own Lion boot disc.
Lion Diskmaker is a simple app that creates a Lion boot disc for free. It just needs to known where your Mac App Store download is and it can extract the contents and create boot disc out of a USB drive (4 GB) or a DVD.
If you haven’t upgraded to Mac OS X Lion yet, it is an amazing upgrade for just $29.99! That is a steal.
Fantastic, eh?
Thanks for info
is fantastic OS….
Nice post.
Great post, I enjoyed ready reading it, Keep posting good stuff like this.
Great post, I enjoyed ready reading it, Keep posting good stuff like this.
Cool!)NIce article)
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NIce good post!
“Good Job”
I read your post and enjoyed …it’s very interesting…..
Happy to know about OS X Lion…thanks…waiting for your new post.
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what a great post! thank you for sharing! appreciate it!
wonderful post! thank you for sharing! i liked it..really)
great post! i really liked it! thanks!
Wow nice fitch!
Didn’t know about Mac OS X Lion boot disc but now it’s clear for me. thanks alot.
nice. it`s really good indeed.
I agree! this is great and I find this post useful as well.