WordPress 2.5 is here!

I have been really looking forward to WordPress 2.5 and is here now.

I will be writing up a review of the new features this week but if you are already curious, Matt Mullenweg has written a great write up about WordPress 2.5 new features here.

One of the big changes is the new WordPress admin interface and you can watch a 4-minute screencast of it. Also, I am loving the new WordPress.org re-design. Don’t you?

WordPress.org 2008 New Design

Download WordPress 2.5

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3 Responses to “WordPress 2.5 is here!”

  1. Michael March 29, 2008 at 3:08 pm #

    The new wordpress.org does look pretty awesome but I probably won’t update to 2.5 for at least a week or so, just to make sure there are no bugs that would break anything I use.

    I usually don’t wait to update wordpress but I have had some issues with updating too quickly with other apps and have made the decision to wait a bit from now on.

    Michael’s last blog post..Google “Turns The Lights Out” To Build Earth Hour Awareness

  2. K-IntheHouse April 2, 2008 at 10:53 am #

    Hey Michael, it’s true some people have had problems with it if you looked at the forums lately. I had a couple but nothing you wouldn’t expect with a huge upgrade such as this. And they were fixed in a few minutes of research too. I have mentioned that in my WP 2.5 first impressions post, if you haven’t looked yet. For that matter if you haven’t upgraded yet since I am just getting back to replying to comments. 🙂

    K-IntheHouse’s last blog post..Spanking New WordPress 2.5 – First Impressions


  1. WordPress 2.6 is here! | ShanKri-la - July 15, 2008

    […] on the heels of the completely revamped WordPress 2.5 release, here comes WordPress 2.6 with even more new features. I was kind of surprised to see another major […]