Windows 7 Released. Vendors Offer Free Anti-Virus SoftwareWindows

Windows 7 has been officially released by Microsoft today – Oct 22nd.


I still run Windows XP SP3 on my 5 year old desktop and it runs like a champ. I never upgraded to Vista as i knew how resource hungry it was.

My wife has been running Vista on her Sony Vaio and it performs fine as that laptop has enough horsepower.

Windows 7 is supposedly a little less of a resource hog than Vista and expected to perform better in a low powered hardware. So, I am looking forward to making the leap from XP  once my Windows 7 pre-order arrives today.

Windows 7 Features

Windows 7 is available in 3 flavors – Windows 7 Home Premium, Windows 7 Professional, Windows 7 Ultimate.

You can see a comparison of different Windows 7 features based on editions here. You can also click on this image to see a full size image of it.


Also, you can check out a bunch of product features videos here.

Free Anti-Virus Software

Celebrating the arrival of Windows 7 some vendors offering their premium anti-virus products for free with 1-year subscription just today.

It’s a good time to grab one of these premium anti-virus solutions if you don’t have one or use a free one.

Windows 7 Useful Articles

If you are looking to get a good grip on Windows 7, here are a few good articles I came across in the last few days.

If you are planning to upgrade, this should be a good starting point. I will try post my own experiences here once I do it.

So, are you planning on getting Windows 7? If yes, are you upgrading from XP or Vista?

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4 Responses to “Windows 7 Released. Vendors Offer Free Anti-Virus SoftwareWindows”

  1. Fred October 22, 2009 at 11:29 am #

    I ran Vista for over a year and been running Windows 7 for about a month and really I can’t tell much of a difference. Yes the “Start” and Task bars are different, but the other 98% is just Vista with a different name. My 2 cents says this is just Microsoft PR to get away from the bad taste that everyone has about Vista.
    I have pretty good hardware and never saw a difference in performance. So it will be interesting to see how it fares on less horsepower.


  2. Clare Swindlehurst October 25, 2009 at 4:58 am #

    I’m still torn as to whether to invest in Windows 7 – sure Vista is hideous compared to XP but is 7 really that much better? I also read yesterday that they’re already working on Windows 8!
    .-= Clare Swindlehurst´s last blog ..Tiana’s Showboat Jubilee! comes to the Magic Kingdom for 10 weeks only =-.

  3. Martey October 29, 2009 at 4:34 pm #

    Thanks for all small tips, I use windows 7 on my Macbook Pro alongside with snow leopard, it works great!
    .-= Martey´s last blog ..Pregnant and headache =-.


  1. Upgrading Windows XP to Windows 7 Gotchas | ShanKrila - October 30, 2009

    […] Windows 7 has finally launched! (check this post for a ton of articles related to this current post) […]