Nothing. I just wrote a post with them all and hence the title. Got you interested didn’t it?
So, for your reading pleasure, a few very useful tips that I came across this week in no particular order .
Future Proofing your CSS edits
This is for the bloggers or web masters on self-hosted platforms out there who are brave enough to tweak their CSS style sheets to create a unique look to their blog. This is especially handy for WordPress users who rely on themes publicly available and that are constantly updated by the theme authors.
I am trying my hand at it right now and came across Chris Pearson’s article on Future Proofing CSS Styling. Chris Pearson is a web designer and is the author of the famous CopyBlogger theme. In this article, Chris shows in easy steps on how to create custom CSS without having to update every time your theme of choice is updated.
Turn off Google Personalized Search Results
Google Personalized Search can keep track of your searches so you can view your trends and get some cool stats but if you are put off by the fact that Google collects so much data like Big Brother, there is a cure for it without having to log off your Google sign-in. (I think there is an option to opt out totally as well if I remember right.)
Wrong Advices points us to a tip by Matt Cutts on how to turn this off on a per search basis. Simply add “&pws=0” without the quotes to the search query like
What do you do if your computer has a virus?
Tim from Daily Cup of Tech has an excellent to do list in case you suspect your computer has a virus and exhaustively covers everything you need to do. Even if you don’t have a virus, I think it is a great read to get prepared as well as store some great free utilities he references for that inevitable day looming in the future. I owe DCOT a great thanks as they pushed ShanKri-la to the level it is at today by awarding the ’Tech Blog of the Week’ honor.
Check out your IP neighbors
Chris at Blog-op writes about a medley of topic and is a daily read for me. He posted about a that shows all your IP neighbors if you are on a shared hosting. I run ShanKri-la on shared hosting and I knew I was sharing the ip address with few other people but I was in for enlightment when I found out that there were 178 other webites sharing this IP number! Atleast, I wasn’t surrounded by questionable websites.
As Chris wisely points out, this tool has a use beyond the cool factor of checking out the websites sharing the space.
The reason this is important is that you will share your I.P. address with the other websites residing on your server, and if you’re blog is surrounded by large numbers of splogs (spam-blogs) blackhat-SEO types, hate sites etc. you could find yourself getting tarred with the same brush. Most banning tools work by banning I.P.s as a starting point, and you could find your blog dropping out of search results, comments getting blacklisted and emails from your domain treated as spam.
Hope you enjoyed these tips as much as I did and hope you found them useful. Do you have a better way of doing any of this but not sure if you should say it? Don’t worry. ShanKri-la readers are the best and you will find them welcoming you with open arms. So, comment away..
Cheers K, there’s some other good links there by the look of things, I shall have a read….
Hope you liked them Chris!
CSS is wonderfully way to created good design.
Nice find on the &pws=0. I didn’t know about that and it is much easier to do that than to go into your account and turn personal settings off, which some how it seem that get turned back on automatically!