Great news this morning! ShanKri-la has been chosen as the Tech Blog of the Week by Daily Cup of Tech. We are thrilled to have been awarded with this honor and encouragement.
We did have our share of doubts starting this blog with so many technology related blogs out there and some of them have set the bar very high. But, we have been encouraged by our little stream of readers and that keeps us motivated. Even if no one is reading, we take great pleasure in doing this.
And now we have further encouragement in the form of this award and the kind words from the folks of Daily Cup of Tech (DCOT). You can read the full post over at their site but here is a teaser:
Even though ShanKri-la is a relative newcomer to the blogging scene, they are starting to show their stuff. With a very strong technology leaning, ShanKri-la has the potential to be a great blog.
We strive to provide information that our readers could use and your feedback will greatly help us to do just that.
If you haven’t been to DCOT, you must take a look at their content and I am sure you would add it to your daily reading feeds. In fact, Lifehacker has recently named DCoT’s PC Repair System as one of it’s top ten free system computer recovery tools.
You’re right, it can be daunting starting a new blog with all the competition, but there’s plenty of readers out there, and I’m sure you’ll do well.
I know I’ve visited before, but I’m terrible at subscribing to feeds-I shall correct that mistake now!
Thanks Chris!
This is just the kind of encouragement new bloggers need from the community. After all, its all about the community right?
Wow! You are awesome.
You really do have a great blog, and now that you’re starting to be more regular with your posts, I’m going to add you to my blogroll.
Have you settled on this theme, or are you still looking? It looks nice, although I must say that I am a big fan of the 3 column blog (especially when you have two small columns on the same side). I’m still in the market to transition eJabs over to that type of theme, but am waiting until I find something unbeatable!
I’m really proud of you, keep up the good work!
Good to see you here too Chris!
Matt of eJabs.
You are too kind!
I still find that this theme breaks in IE.. I am not sure if it’s any of my plugins or the theme itself. When I switched to this theme it seemed to work but I find it’s broken now. So, I am still in the market for a simple looking theme with 3 columns preferably.