A lot of programs we install in our computer end up making entries in our startup eventually slowing down the Windows startup. And some other programs sneak into the registry with malicious intent.
RunScanner is a freeware utility which scans your computer for all running programs, autostart locations, drivers, services and hijack points.
RunScanner Quick Facts 
- Detects registry changes, misconfigurations caused by spyware, viruses or plain user error
- Operates in 3 modes – Beginner, Classic and Expert based on your level of comfort in troubleshooting
- Checks 100+ start/hijack locations
- Does an optional online malware analysis
- Powerful file filtering and MD5 checking with services like Castle Cops
- Analyzes loaded modules and file certificates
- Also has history backup/restore
- Offers import and import of .run files
I have used HijackThis! so far but this utility sounds very promising when it comes to battling startup and hijack problems.
One of the most appealing features I think is the ability to export a .run file and then importing to their support forum. Expert users there will analyze your .run file and delete the entries that shouldn’t be there and give you a new .run file. You can just import this and ‘Fix selected items’.
It is very useful for anyone who isn’t too comfortable deleting stuff off their computers. In fact, you can even get your aunt to use RunScanner and send you the .run file and you can fix her slow startup without even visiting her. 😉
Sized at 1.758 KB, this tiny standalone (no installation required) application packs so many features and I can’t recommend it enough. You could even carry it in your USB drive all the time.
Download RunScanner
How often do you run such a utility? Weekly out of habit or just anytime you find your computer startup taking forever?
This looks like a great app! I’ll be downloading this one. Thanks buddy
Sounds like a great program! Thanks for the info!
@Brown.. you are welcome! 🙂 Doesn’t hurt to have it with such a small file size!
@Jeanne.. you are very welcome! I did run it last night and I was impressed with it.
Well, this application could help a lot! My Windows is too slow, maybe I could try this one to scan and delete unnecessary stuff in my pc.
Yup, It is a very helpful software. I find sometimes it is irritating that eventhough I have uninstalled certain software, there are still traces in my registry.
I am downloading RunScanner right away.
Land Projects, this one cleans up your registry and looks at your registry for unsecure stuff. It doesn’t clean unwanted files. You need CCleaner for that. 🙂
kuanhoong, it is a very common gripe and I’m with you in that.
Madhur, let me know how it worked for you buddy! 😀
This is another one I’m downloading… I like the idea of it and I really need to clean up my computer at the moment, so it’s quite timely (although of course I was a little slow to read it! 🙂 ).
The ‘aunt mode’ will be especially useful as I look after my parents computer for them remotely…
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Stephen.. I do this remotely on my parents computer as well. I have finally convinced them not to open IE. 😀