Remember the Milk Shines and Goes Offline

Remember the Remember the Milk (RTM) task management application I use and absolutely in love with? It is a free online task management application that is so simple to use and is very capable.

Folks at RTM have totally redesigned their home page and it is very functional and slick. Plus, you might have heard about the new Google Gears browser plugin which lets you take online web applications, offline. That is really a milestone in the interweb development as far as I am concerned. It is goig to blur the lines between traditional desktop applications and the online applications in terms of usability without an internet connection.

RTM offline Now, with the help of Google Gears, RTM is also available offline! Quick facts about this feature:

  • Complete access to online lists, tags, notes, etc including the ability to add and edit tasks.
  • Access to search (your tasks)
  • Create smart lists
  • Seamless transition between online and offline mode and automatic detection of availability of an internet connection.

RTM has also added some new sections:

  • Services section now features both official features like Google Calendar option, gadgets and mobile version.
  • Also, has third-party service like IMified which is loved by heavy IM (instant messenger) users.
  • They have also released a simple and informative Getting Started Guide.

As a side note, if you haven’t heard, Google Reader is now available in an offline version as well thanks to Google Gears!

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4 Responses to “Remember the Milk Shines and Goes Offline”

  1. Vinod Ponmanadiyil June 7, 2007 at 1:23 pm #

    I keep RTM on my NetVibes tab everytime. Its great on minimal yet effective GTD. Plus , it’s mobile interface was awesome. Now I will wait to see if RTM support Firefox 3 – Mobile (if ever! to sport something like Google-Gear!) to get tasks offline over the mobile – as it is doing beautifully now on the Desktop.

  2. K-IntheHouse June 7, 2007 at 6:03 pm #

    Hey Vinod.. I didn’t know you were a RTM user as well! Have you tried their support forums for new features. From what I have seen they are pretty responsive in adding features requested by users.

    You right about it’s use although I use d-cubed for work related tasks and just use RTM for personal use. I am yet to gear this into a true GTD app. I had referenced a URL that showed how to do it.


  1. Top Commenters - June 9, 2007 - June 9, 2007

    […] talks about how Remember the Milk is now an offline application. RTM is a popular task management […]

  2. What Are May's Top Commentators Up To? | Hannes Johnson dot Com - June 12, 2007

    […] (aka K-IntheHouse) writes about Remember The Milk going offline using the new Google Gears tool. I remember checking out the to-do list service Remember The Milk […]