Xmarks Finds a New Home in LastPass

Xmarks – a browser based bookmark sync service has finally found a new home in LastPass.

Xmarks service faced the threat of shutdown as they couldn’t monetize their excellent bookmark syncing service. However, they opened up a pledge to see if their users wanted to support them.

This gave them enough publicity that few more parties were interested in buying them. Now, LastPass has acquired them.


Xmarks couldn’t have found a better home than LastPass as LastPass is a leading cross-platform password manager. Xmarks will stay free for us but they are moving to a freemium business model.

The browser add-on and the vast majority of what users have enjoyed remains free. Users can then opt to purchase Xmarks Premium for $12 per year, which includes new enhanced features like Android and iPhone mobile phone apps, priority support, and more. The Xmarks and LastPass Premium offerings are also available bundled together at a reduced subscription rate of $20 per year. For those of you who pledged your financial support, you can make good on your pledge today and upgrade.

With LastPass acquiring Xmarks, we should hopefully see new features and updates soon. However, it looks like the 2 products will stay separate and we may not see any integration between the two for a while.

I am so glad that Xmarks is now shutting down! Are you?

{ via Xmarks blog }

6 Responses to “Xmarks Finds a New Home in LastPass”

  1. Jake December 3, 2010 at 9:59 pm #

    “I am so glad that Xmarks is now shutting down!”

    warning: typo, I believe 🙂

  2. cruise the maldives December 27, 2011 at 10:00 am #

    Amazing post! i am so thankful to you! quite informative and interesting as well… appreciate your efforts!

  3. naples golf communities December 30, 2011 at 4:13 am #

    It would have been best if these two products will have an integration between them. It would surely increase their users.

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  1. Xmarks Finds a New Home in LastPass | Lansing Rocks - December 3, 2010

    […] Follow this link: Xmarks Finds a New Home in LastPass […]

  2. Xmarks To Live Happily Ever After, May be | ShanKrila - May 20, 2011

    […] Originally posted 2010-10-08 07:00:00. Update: LastPass has bought Xmarks! […]