Kindle and Nook 3G Price Drops. Hello Nook Wi-Fi!

Apple iPad has stolen the limelight lately in the tablet form factor eBook reader space. And for a good reason. (plug: visit our young sister site Top iPad Resource for iPad stuff)

Driven by fierce competition in this market, we are seeing price drops from 2 of the ‘other’ eBook readers.

Amazon Kindle and NOOK from Barnes and Noble.

Barnes & Noble NOOK

Barnes & Noble just confirmed the NOOK Wi-Fi model at $149 and is dropping its NOOK 3G model to $199. You can order it online from or Best Buy and will begin shipping this week itself.


Barnes & Noble just recently provided complimentary access to AT&T’s Wi-Fi hotpsots including its own book stores.

Amazon Kindle

Following this Amazon has just dropped it’s Kindle e-reader (6” display) price down to $189 with free shipping. It was previously selling for $259.


It can wirelessly download eBooks and has a nice gray and black e-ink screen that is superior for sunlight reading as opposed to the glossy screen of Apple iPad.

The larger 9.7” display Kindle DX is also available at $489.00


  1. Kindle and Nook 3G Price Drops. Hello Nook Wi-Fi! | Lansing Rocks - June 21, 2010

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