Get a GrandCentral Number Now

GrandCentralI love the GrandCentral idea and have been kind of waiting to see what kind of integration Google is going to bring to the table after they acquired them. After a long wait, we are starting to see some activity in this front.

GrandCentral has been in private beta and new account sign-ups were only done via invitations. In fact, I gave out the 10 invitations that came with my account to my readers here. We have reviewed GrandCentral here and are really taken by the idea. In short, GrandCentral gives you a telephone number than you can link to your home/work/mobile phone numbers. When someone calls your GrandCentral number, you can have it set to ring your cell/home/work phone numbers or any combination of those. You can set rules for certain numbers to go direct to voicemail and even listen to see who is calling and transfer it to voicemail if you don’t want to answer at the moment. Plus, you get the convenince of checking your voicemail via a web interface or email even when you are away from home/work.

Google is now offering GrandCentral account to their Blogger users. They are offering the WebCall feature that Blogger users can now use to add a ‘Call Me’ button to their blogs and have their readers call them. This feature has been avaialble to GrandCentral users but I think Google is trying to widen its user base by announcing it to their Blogger blogging platform users.

Even though the announcement is for Blogger users, it looks like anyone can sign for an account immediately using this link. Will you grab one?

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12 Responses to “Get a GrandCentral Number Now”

  1. Nirmal February 26, 2008 at 11:25 am #

    Nice service, but I guess its available only in US? πŸ™

    Nirmal’s last blog post..Add GTalk Badge to your Blog to Chat with Readers

  2. K February 26, 2008 at 2:05 pm #

    Nirmal.. my apologies again! I keep forgetting to mention it.. a little self-centered?? I guess very much so. πŸ™

  3. Troy February 26, 2008 at 8:54 pm #

    Not your fault K, there are a lot of services restricted like this. In terms of programs like Google AdSense, there’s really no good reason why they are so US-centric, but for a company that deals with telecommunications I can see the problem. They probably have to strike some kind of deal with the major carriers to get everything running smoothly.

    I vaguely remember reading about this service (probably here), and it’s an awesome idea. For bloggers, I still prefer Skype, but this solution is more integrated.

  4. K February 27, 2008 at 3:02 am #

    That’s very true, Troy. I am starting to use it to its potential and I love it. Even if you don’t use it, it’s probably a good idea to snag a number if it’s available for your area! πŸ˜€

  5. Mark February 27, 2008 at 5:44 am #

    Nice find, K! Amazing what technology can do these days. Next up: brain implants. :mrgreen:

    Mark’s last blog post..And The Winner Is…

  6. Rakshit February 27, 2008 at 4:22 pm #

    Hope, it becomes available in India too.

    Rakshit’s last blog post..On Track again…

  7. Plumbing Course Andy February 28, 2008 at 6:00 am #

    The new service is quiet interesting. Hopefully soon it will be available also in Asian countries. πŸ˜‰ Thanks for sharing this information to us!


  1. GV Mobile - Free Google Voice iPhone App | Top iPhone Resource - July 28, 2009

    […] Voice is a service by Google that is still in invite only mode. Google bought GrandCentral that introduced the concept of one phone number for a lifetime. After a long time in incubation, Google Voice invites have been going […]

  2. Quick Tip: How to Change your Google Voice Number? | ShanKrila - July 29, 2009

    […] a Google Voice number since it was in it’s original form as GrandCentral. I even gave away GrandCentral number invites to my readers […]

  3. GV Mobile - Free Google Voice iPhone App | iPhone Theme Store - July 30, 2009

    […] Voice is a service by Google that is still in invite only mode. Google bought GrandCentral that introduced the concept of one phone number for a lifetime. After a long time in incubation, Google Voice invites have been going […]

  4. Don’t Have a Google Voice Number? Try 3Jam | ShanKrila - July 31, 2009

    […] you can only get a number if you have been invited or you already have a number from when it was GrandCentral like I […]

  5. Google Voice Goes Public. Finally. | ShanKrila - June 22, 2010

    […] Voice was born out of GrandCentral and has been in invite-only beta for more than a year now. Even though it wasn’t hard to get one […]