FrostWire – Is it a LimeWire Killer?

Long gone are the days of Napster & Kazaa. There are many options in the fray now for a P2P file sharing program. Limewire has its one following of people who love it and use it. I have used it for a while as well. LimeWire used to be totally free but they offer a PRO version now for $21.95 with features such as optimized search results, turbo-charged downloads and Tech support. Sound familiar? That’s the route taken by a lot of free programs and I don’t blame them.

And you can’t blame me for looking for a totally free alternative, right? πŸ˜€

FrostwireFrostwire is a great alternative for LimeWire and it has so much promising features that I find hard to ignore. It offers a lot of the PRO features of Limewire and even more like iTunes support.

Frostwire Quick Facts

  • Completely free & open source (an awesome combination)
  • It is a Java Gnutella P2P client
  • Offers a clean slick interface with no spyware or adware
  • iTunes integration
  • Firewall to firewall transfers
  • BitTorrent support
  • Proxy support & community chat rooms
  • Turbo charged maxmum download speeds & network connections
  • Works in Windows, Mac, Ubuntu/Debian. RedHat /Fedora and available as a tarball.

I love open source software and Frostwire is a welcome addition to my list of open source software I use in my computer.

Download Frostwire (7.1 MB – Windows)

What do you use for a P2P client? Does it matter to you if it’s open source?

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6 Responses to “FrostWire – Is it a LimeWire Killer?”

  1. Madhur Kapoor January 6, 2008 at 2:24 pm #

    I prefer Limewire but i havent tried frostwire yet.

  2. K-IntheHouse January 7, 2008 at 4:32 pm #

    Hey Madhur, if you like LimeWire FrostWire seems to be definitely worth trying. Especially when it lists a lot of the PRO features of LineWire for free here. πŸ˜‰

  3. assman January 25, 2008 at 8:01 am #

    I’d rather just use utorrent personally if you guys need help getting started using utorrent and want to look at some guides just go to . They will definitely help you out getting started as using limewire and frostwire attracts more RIAA and MPAA people looking into what you’re downloading.

  4. K January 25, 2008 at 1:03 pm #

    Thanks for chiming in. I have heard good things about utorrent as well! Cheers!

  5. assman January 27, 2008 at 10:05 pm #

    What exactly is so great about frostwire though…seems to me that its a spoof off limewire.

  6. K January 28, 2008 at 3:28 pm #

    Hey, it’s open source and the premium features in Livewire are free in Frost wire. Plus, the download speed is supposedly better too. It definitely is a copy of Limewire but in the intention of giving more to the consumer more for free. I like that part. πŸ˜›

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