Free CSS Authoring Tool – Simple CSS

I am learning CSS and PHP. In fact, that was the whole reason I started out with ShanKri-la. To get myself educated with a little bit of the behind the scenes web technology.

I just came across this free tool today to author CSS – Simple CSS. It is provided by web hosting. This Simple CSS standalone graphical utility is really simple to use, yet feature-rich, as its name implies.

Quick facts about Simple CSS

  • Create CSS from scratch or edit existing files
  • Ability to manage projects
  • Add/edit properties to a style graphically
  • You can also rename, delete or duplicate a project which will be helpful if you would like to save a current copy and get adventurous from there.
  • Its FREE!
  • Preview the CSS code after you are visually change the properties.
  • Supports CSS2.

I can see this as a very useful utility to have in your toolkit if you dabble with your site pages. More tomorrow about a very useful and able HTML editor I have been using lately.

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4 Responses to “Free CSS Authoring Tool – Simple CSS”

  1. Chris May 17, 2007 at 11:29 am #

    K, I’m just in the process of helping put together my kids’ school website, and although I know enough to change colours, fonts etc. this tool will be invaluable.

    Thanks 🙂

  2. K-IntheHouse May 17, 2007 at 11:56 am #

    Chris.. glad you find it helpful! When I came across it I was awed at its simplicity.. yet it is very useful for beginners and professionals alike!

  3. confessing7girl May 17, 2007 at 12:29 pm #

    hey really nice blog!!! u know i hv no clue what is and how to use CSS!!im not much of a computer expert i gues!! anyway thanx for the tips!

  4. Shankrila Admin May 18, 2007 at 3:14 am #

    Thanks for the comments.. may be next time we’ll have something you would find useful! Hope to see you again..