Firefox Extensions: Picks of the Week 09-03-24

We looked at the new Firefox 3.1 beta 3 features last week. Did you know Firefox 3.1 is being renamed to Firefox 3.5?

While we wait for that to come out of beta, let’s look at a few cool Firefox extensions, shall we?

Firefox Extensions of the Week

  • About:Tab (experimental): Firefox 3.1 is going to have a new design for the new tab. Here are a few iterations that are being considered. You can test this out in the latest 3.1 development build with the About:tab extension.
  • Drag & DropZones: Firefox Search Engines Supercharged. Your whole Firefox window is now divided into drag and drop zones where you can link a search engine into each zone. And you can drag and drop keywords you wanna search into this transparent grid to start searching. This is a fork from the full-featured WebSearch Pro add-on that I love and use.
  • Tab Sidebar: As the name implies, you can replace your main tab menu with a tab sidebar with always visible tab previews and in tab navigation. You can switch between 2 views if you choose to via options. Great for those with wide screen monitors.
  • RoamAbout: It is a brand new extension for the social media hounds. Adds a openbar and tray while you are surfing. OpenBar shows you live changing content as you surf. And Tray adds access to your favorite social sites like Facebook, Twitter, Gmail so they are just a click away anytime you want to interact with them. TachCrunch was handing out 1000 beta invites here
  • Gmail Signatures: I have written a detailed review on custom HTML Gmail Signatures here before. If you haven’t tried it recently, you should check it out as it has had some major improvements. I’d still love to see WYSIWIG editor for formatting your signature and also a way to synchronize your signatures across different computers.

As I usually advice, make sure you remove extensions you don’t use anymore to keep your Firefox install humming along swiftly. And if you are looking for more, my list of Top Firefox Extensions could have a few surprises in store for you.

Greasemonkey Script of the Week

This is a new section I started doing this month to highlight a cool Greasemonkey script!

Gmail 3.0 (Productivity Package): You will love this script if you live in Gmail all day like I do. It pushes Gmail and makes its cloud services like Google Docs, Zoho services etc right in your Gmail. For instance, your New Mail button is replaced with a cool menu where you can choose to create a mail or any other Google service documents.

Firefox Theme of the Week

CamiFox takes the cake for the Firefox Theme of the week. It has a very clean, crisp and sophisticated design that’s very pleasing to the eye. I have been using PitchDark featured last week for a while but I might keep CamiFox for a bit as its such a pleasant change.

Camifox Firefox Theme

You can see the Tab Sidebar add-on in action in teh screenshot as well. How do you like it?

Do you have an extension, Google greasemonkey script or theme recommendation? Leave a comment here or contact me and I’ll try to showcase it in my next review.

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  1. What Firefox should do Scripting News - March 25, 2009

    […] Firefox Extensions: Picks of the Week 09-03-24 ( […]