Firefox Extensions: Picks of the Week July 25 2007

I can’t stop noticing new Firefox extensions coming out every now and then. And I can’t stop myself from trying it out if I find it interesting. The ‘Picks of the Week’ posts will give you an idea of what I am trying currently and may be help you find some useful extensions.

Let’s see what I found this past week:

  • MinimizeToTray: It is a simple extension which lets you minimize Firefox to system tray. Right click on the icon in the system tray to choose which window you want visible. Very handy enhancement. Check out the Minimize To Tray Enhancer extension to add a toolbar button for minimizing. [via Learn Firefox]
  • SEO & Webmasters bundle: As the name implies, this is a collection of extensions and toolbars put together for easy use for anyone who is interested in SEO and/or is a webmaster. It includes some of the extensions I have talked about here like SearchStatus, Firebug, IE Tab, Web Developer and toolbars like StumbleUpon, Alexa & Compete. Good for someone looking for a quick start. [via Internet Marketing Monitor]
    Check out the ‘Webmaster’ category of my frequently updated Top Firefox Extensions post for more related extensions.
  • iMacros: It lets you automate repetitive work on the web. Especially useful for testing for a web developer or anyone who does repetitive stuff like filling out forms. You can record these as Macros and play them anytime you want and even send it to your friends as links! The uses are varied and I am about to explore all the ways I can use this seemingly incredible extension. I will post my thoughts on it in the coming weeks.
  • YSlow for Firebug: A nice extension for a webmaster to analyze website performance. It is integrated with Firebug firefox extension, which is a must for anyone messing with web pages or maintaining a website. Another quick tool to find out if an addition of a WordPress plugin or some design hack you made isn’t affecting the performance of your blog.

Hope you enjoyed these extensions. Try them out but remember to weed out the extensions you don’t use anymore to keep your Firefox zippy.

I personally know a few people who are afraid of trying new Firefox Extensions for fear of breaking their current working installation. I am going to post a short tip on ‘How to safely try new Firefox extensions?’.

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7 Responses to “Firefox Extensions: Picks of the Week July 25 2007”

  1. V. Neely August 1, 2007 at 11:31 pm #

    The SEO & Webmaster’s bundle looks interesting… do you have any plans to do a focused review on how it helps with SEO, Google, debugging, etc?

  2. K-IntheHouse August 1, 2007 at 11:53 pm #

    Hi Neely! Welcome to ShanKri-la.

    I might take up on that and write about it this week at BAYB. About how you can use different Firefox extensions for blogging! Cheers!

  3. Teofilo Calle August 3, 2007 at 3:58 am #

    Hi,your website is helpful and informative keep doing the good job thank you.

  4. K-IntheHouse August 3, 2007 at 12:07 pm #

    Welcome to ShanKri-la Teofile! Thanks for your kind words and appreciate that you took the time to comment. Hope to see you more.. 🙂

  5. Remesh March 20, 2009 at 2:28 am #

    Hi this is Remesh. Your site is very helpful for me thanks.


  1. University Update - Firefox - Firefox Extensions: Picks of the Week July 25 2007 - July 31, 2007

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  2. shankrila : Listes d'extensions qui marnent pour firefox :) Trop classse :) at Business Commando >> Commando d’affaires - April 9, 2008

    […] Firefox Extensions: Picks of the Week July 25 2007 […]