Firefox Extensions: Picks of the Week 2008-12-17

It’s time for more fun and useful Firefox extension picks. Without further adieu:

  • Tark (Temporary Bookmarks): Is your Firefox bookmarks littered with bookmarks that had only short-term bookmarks that you failed to clean up after you used them? Tark lets you save those temporary bookmarks with an expiration date. After the time elapses, Tark’d bookmarks icons will change and you can choose to keep it or delete it.
  • Easy DragToGo: Firefox lets you drag text, images, links, etc with your mouse. This extension extends that functionality. Check out the link for the full list of things you can get with this.
  • TooManyTabs: Many of us get carried away with too many open tabs. Here is another extension that trys to address this issue. TooManyTabs allows you to store up to over 50 tabs in multiples rows by a single click. Saves some space and memory as idle tabs are put aside. {experimental add-on}
  • App Discover: A lot of web applications have it’s excellent desktop alternatives that extends them like Adobe AIR apps, Prism apps, etc. App Discover alerts you of those Apps that are available when you are on relevant sites like Twitter, etc. It’s great if you like descovering new apps to try. Or you could come to ShanKri-la where I do the work for you. πŸ˜‰
  • GreaseFire: If you love Greasemonkey extension, GreaseFire is to GM where AppDiscover was to finding apps. GreaseFire automatically finds scripts from for the site you are visiting. It’s a great way to find new Greasemonkey scripts.
    Also, check out our Top 15 Greasemonkey Scripts for GMail & Google Reader.
  • FastForward: You may be familiar with Amazon’s recommendations that helps you find out what else is liked my most people who also looked at the product you are looking at. FastForward experimental add-on does just that for a website you are on. It takes you to another website which most people viewed next. If you have been looking for a StumbleUpon alternative, you could give this a try.{experimental add-on}

Firefox Theme of the Week

In spirit of the Christmas Season, here is a Firefox Theme – TinselTown that could spice up your days leading to the holidays!

Catch you soon with more Firefox extensions and don’t forget our extensive categorized list of Top Firefox Extensions. You could consider grabbing our RSS feed to stay updated or follow me on Twitter.

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22 Responses to “Firefox Extensions: Picks of the Week 2008-12-17”

  1. Live Wire December 17, 2008 at 5:17 pm #

    oOoOoo, im excited to try out that ‘too many tabs’ feature. i always have tons of tabs open and it gets quite messy.

  2. Cashmere Lashkari December 18, 2008 at 12:09 am #

    The more tabs plug in seems to have been made to order for me! Must get it.

  3. Zaslony December 18, 2008 at 7:53 am #

    You’re right live wire. Too many tabs is a plugin for me. I’ve got to check other week picks.

    Zaslonys last blog post..Kolejny element wystroju – zasΕ‚ony.

  4. Rich@Cheap Bargains December 18, 2008 at 8:34 am #

    Really enjoyed reading this post and I’m definetely going to check the extensions that you have picked out. I have to agree with the post above, when i saw the ‘too many tabs’ extensions i thought this sounds great as me and a lot of friends have this very problem. My tab count also slows my PC down considerably so this would address that issue which would be good for when i’m running mutiple programmes. Thanks for the help.


  5. JR @ Cheap Laptop Computers December 19, 2008 at 2:41 am #

    K, you’re killing me, with all these great tools you always blog about and me not having enough time to keep up, I had to create a special bookmark called Shankrila Picks, so I can save all the info and keep track of it.

  6. Bunk December 20, 2008 at 9:16 am #

    I really like the App Discover! I don’t see how you keep up with all this stuff man. It truly amazes me.

  7. aaron@best baby strollers December 20, 2008 at 2:30 pm #

    I’m grabbing Tark right this second. I’ve got like a million billion bookmarks that should have been gone a long time ago. But, I always forget to delete them.

    aarons last blog post..Sit and Stand Strollers are the Best Double Baby Strollers

  8. Kevin@Great Wall of China Facts December 20, 2008 at 3:32 pm #

    The FastFoward extension looks really cool. This could be very useful. I really like these blog posts you do! Thanks a lot!

  9. Andy December 20, 2008 at 11:35 pm #

    How do you have time to find all these great extensions. I can’t even keep up with all the things you talk about in this blog. The Fastforward looks really interesting to see what others are doing. The Toomanytabs also looks good. It is amazing how many tabs a person can get open in a few hours of surfing. Sometimes I get lost.
    Thanks for the info.

    Andys last blog post..Christian Home Based Business and PPC

  10. Caroline@debit card loans December 22, 2008 at 4:59 am #

    I like the idea of temporary bookmarks. I have so many bookmarks (100’s) that I bookmarked at the time to get back too. They still sit there today clogging up my list and making it harder to find my long term marks.

  11. Syahid A. December 22, 2008 at 9:12 pm #

    Awesome list as always. Tark is my fav from this post. I am struggling with too many bookmarks! πŸ˜€

    Syahid A.s last blog post..How to Delete Files with Long / Not Valid Filenames in Windows

  12. K December 23, 2008 at 7:51 am #

    JR, wow.. that’s very flattering! πŸ™‚ Now that you have a bookmark folder, I will keep ’em coming. πŸ™‚

  13. K December 23, 2008 at 7:56 am #

    Bunk, that’s the way I roll. Just kidding man.. I am just obsessed with finding new and cool things and this blog is just an extension of my interests. If only I had the time blog everything I find..

    Andy, thanks for those kind words.. I feel like I just had a can of Red Bull.

    Syahid.. I am learning to love Tark as well.

    Sometimes I feel like all I write about is Firefox. But, all your comments just prove me wrong time and again. So, I shall keep finding good and fun extensions and will posting them!

    Thanks everyone for the encouragement. Have a great week.

  14. 52xbr6 review December 26, 2008 at 11:05 am #

    Great collections of extensions, especially TooManyTabs. I usually get carried away and at the end of day I’ve got so many tabs that I have hard time finding particular one.

    52xbr6 reviews last blog post..Samsung LN52A750 52-Inch 1080p DLNA LCD HDTV

  15. Jean@sample resignation letter December 28, 2008 at 10:23 pm #

    I really love firefox extensions, I just wish some of the coders would clean up their code, because some of them can be quite a bit of memory hoggers, and the memory doesn’t go away after it is used, it just stays there.

  16. Door December 30, 2008 at 7:37 am #

    Oh My! That is a whole lot of cool Firefox apps. Never knew they existed. And did you know this: Just today heard that there is a portable form of Firefox browser that you can carry along in your memory stick wherever you go. Not sure if you’ve posted about it already.

  17. John@Maternal America January 12, 2009 at 7:27 pm #

    I love how many extensions Firefox offers and how often they are updated. My favorite extension is probably ad blocker as it keeps my computer running fast instead of getting bogged down with pesky ads.

  18. Colin@provillus reviews January 14, 2009 at 2:44 am #

    Tark is handy. Thanks.
    As to Easytogo, I would prefer Firegeuster.

  19. Lily @ Types of Flowers January 14, 2009 at 9:20 am #

    The extensions listed by you are awesome. The FastFoward extension is of great usage indeed. We all appreciate your work.

  20. Rob@Baby Prams February 19, 2009 at 8:48 pm #

    I second Lily on the FastForward extension. Does a great job at doing what stumbleupon does, except you don’t have to download another whole new browser to get the functionality. Cheers k.


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