Firefox Extensions: Picks of the Week 08-02-14

Extend Firefox 2 was a contest run to see who develops the best Firefox Extensions from around the world. Obviously with my addiction for new Firefox extensions, I checked out the winners and decided to dedicate this week’s Picks of the Week post to these great extensions.

3 Grand Prize Winners

  1. MiniMap Sidebar Extension by Tony Farndon (UK)
  2. SamePlace by Massimiliano Mirra (Italy) – my favorite!
  3. Shareaholic by Jay Meattle (US)

12 Runner Ups

  1. All in One Sidebar – Ingo Wennemaring
  2. Boox – Nicolas Martin
  3. IncSearch – Hirokazu Onozato
  4. Fast Dial – Sergey Suhoruchkin
  5. FireGestures – Taiga Gomibuchi
  6. FootieFox – Boris Ruf
  7. qtl – Gilad Kutiel
  8. Shrinkify – Mark Muday
  9. Table2Clipboard – Davide Ficano
  10. TwitterFox – Kazuho Okui
  11. Update Scanner – Pete Burgers
  12. URL Fixer – Christopher Finke

The grand prize winners each get a 15″ MacBook Pro & some other awesome goodies and the runner ups get some nice gifts as well. Check out this contest winners announcement post for more details.

Of the extensions mentioned, I stumbled across SamePlace and started using it and was just blown away by the elegance and the ease it gives using an IM client. It is far from perfect yet but nevertheless is a great extension to check out. Especially, if you have a wide screen monitor and don’t mind having a sidebar. I will soon be reviewing it here if you’d rather hold off before trying it.

Extend Firefox 3
is getting ready to launch in early March and I am eager to see what kind of prizes they offer this time and what kind of cool extensions people come up with.

Happy Valentine’s Day to my beloved readers! 😀

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5 Responses to “Firefox Extensions: Picks of the Week 08-02-14”

  1. Kyle Eslick February 14, 2008 at 9:43 pm #

    Arg, how is All-in-One Sidebar not at the top of the list? :mrgreen:

    Kyle Eslick’s last blog post..Collection of Blog Directories

  2. K February 14, 2008 at 10:03 pm #

    I haven’t tried that one yet but you’ve got me curious now! 😉

    K’s last blog post..Craving for something new? Firefox 3 Beta 3 Available for Download

  3. Kyle Eslick February 15, 2008 at 12:15 pm #

    All-in-One Sidebar is possibly my favorite Firefox extension. It adds an Opera-style sidebar to your browser. I’ve been using it for years and love it.

    Kyle Eslick’s last blog post..New Blogging For Dummies Now Available

  4. K February 15, 2008 at 2:50 pm #

    It really is pretty cool, Kyle! It’s just the All-in-one name put me off I think as I think i wanted me to be in control of what’s in my sidebar. If that even makes sense.. 😉

  5. Troy February 15, 2008 at 4:41 pm #

    I’ll have to check this killer feature out, my feed bar is getting pretty full even with the multiple wrapped levels 🙂