It’s been a while since I last posted on Firefox add-ons that some of you might have been convinced that I have switched to Google Chrome or even Safari with our recent 21.5” Apple iMac purchase.
I am still a hardcore Firefox fan but I just have been keeping my Firefox running swift with a select group of must-have Firefox add-ons. So, I took the time to see what new ones have sneaked into my browser and found a common theme – Tabs. So here we go.
App Tabs
Another tab related add-on I really like. You can pin certain tabs that you always use like Gmail, Google Reader, Facebook, etc can be pinned to the left side of the tabs with just the favicons. It is a feature planned for Firefox 4.0 but you can use it as an experimental add-on right now.
Informational Tab
This add-on provides thumbnail style preview for each tab, progress meter and indicate unread status. -
Fission combines the address bar and progress meter like you would have seen in Safari browser. This really makes for a nice visual effect while the page is loading.
Coral IE Tab
An enhanced version of IE Tab which enables you to use the embedded IE engine within tabs of Mozilla Firefox. It supports Adblock Plus in IE, and can sync cookies between IE and Firefox.
Greasemonkey Script of the Week
Blog Signature ID makes it easy to leave comments on blogs by automatically filling in your profile information in the comment fields for you.
Hope you found a couple of add-ons you can use in this week’s picks. Also, sound off in the comments if you would like to see Google Chrome Extension Picks series here. I am considering starting it if there is enough interest.
And, don’t forget to bookmark the extensive Top Firefox Extensions page with neatly categorized uber-popular Firefox add-ons.
Hi its nice valuable post and it gives latest updates about firefox plugins thank you for update do keep uploading more.