Firefox 3.5 is Ready for Download

The wait is over, Firefox fans!

Mozilla has released the final stable version of Firefox 3.5.

Download Firefox 3.5

While it’s downloading, check out a few Firefox 3.5 posts I like

I will be back with more fun Firefox 3.5 stuff soon. Now, go enjoy one of the best browsers in the world!

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8 Responses to “Firefox 3.5 is Ready for Download”

  1. Allan July 1, 2009 at 7:38 am #

    Woot! Do you happen to be running Linux then?

    Allans last blog post..How To Determine If A Niche Is Profitable

  2. K July 1, 2009 at 3:06 pm #

    Allan, yes! I used to run OpenSUSE for the longest time and just converted to Ubuntu.

  3. Allan July 11, 2009 at 2:31 am #

    If I didn’t have so many VB apps I needed to run I would be running a Linux OS for sure. Just need to get my PHP skills up to scratch to be able to make the jump.
    .-= Allan´s last blog ..How To Determine If A Niche Is Profitable =-.

  4. IngaOz July 14, 2009 at 7:17 am #

    I don’t know what is wrong with me but I am having problems with Firefox lately… especially when I am watching video online… 🙁
    .-= IngaOz´s last blog ..How to Show Bidvertiser Feed Ads to Current Subscribers. Step-By-Step Guide =-.

  5. K July 14, 2009 at 9:28 am #

    Hi there! Great to see you after a long time.

    Are you using Firefox 3.5 and what kind of issues are you seeing with videos?

  6. IngaOz July 23, 2009 at 4:32 pm #

    Yes, I am using the latest Firefox. When I am watching videos online they time to time just stops and also there is no more sound… Then I need restart Firefox (sometimes even more than 2 times) before videos and sounds works again… This doesn’t happen always but few times a week – yeah 🙁
    .-= IngaOz´s last blog ..Blog Of The Week =-.


  1. Firefox 3.5 Available | Tim's Tech Rant - June 30, 2009

    […] Firefox 3.5 is Ready for Download ( […]

  2. Firefox extensions: FoxyTunes, Weave, Talon, Add-ons Collector, Page Speed, Daum Blue | ShanKrila - July 14, 2009

    […] Firefox 3.5 made it’s way to our computers few days back. As I have been using the beta for a long time, I was just happy to move to the stable version. It definitely is much swifter than 3.0. Let’s look at a few good Firefox add-ons I have found recently. […]