I am on Twitter and seeing so many people looking to download Firefox 3 only to face disappointment with the sites being down. I did update my last post with the download links but you probably woulnd’t know of the update if you didn’t visit the site.
So, I am posting it here again for those subscribed by RSS or email.
Update: If you are wondering why Firefox 3 isn’t available for download yet, it will be there for download at 1:00PM EST.
Update 2: Looks like all the Firefox download sites are down for me still at 1:45 PM EST. Here are the ftp download links, if you promise to help with the Guinness Record by downloading again. ๐
Mozilla Firefox 3.0 Final For Windows
Mozilla Firefox 3.0 Final For Linux
Mozilla Firefox 3.0 Final For MACOS
(thanks Umana)
Update 3: 2:45PM EST : DISCLAIMER: Looking at the release notes in the links above points to Firefox 3 RC3! These may not be the actual download links. Sorry! My linux download from the above link has Firefox 3 final release notes. So they may be ok.
Update 4: 3:06 PM EST Here is another direct ftp listing of Firefox 3 downloads for various platforms
Update 5: 3:52 PM EST Firefox 3 is finally available from GetFirefox.com
If a link doesn’t work, just try again. I was able to download all three versions.
If you interested in running your current Firefox 2 & Firefox 3 simultaneously, you could follow this tip.
I am not sure if downloading it from these links will impact their attempt at the Guinness Record but as long as we can doanload it again before tomorrow from the official sites, it might be alright. It’s just not fair to NOT be able to get to the downloads after all this anticipation.
What do you think this will do to Firefox 3’s credibility?
I tried the official sites and i tried your FTP links. Everything says “Service unavailable” or “Too many connections”.
I think they are surprised by the hype they started themselves! Funny ๐
Hi Warenwirtschaft, I have updated the post with a new link. See if that works for you.
Thanks for the links. I tried all day yesterday to be able to downloan FF3.
Freds last blog post..WaMu Credit Cards Partner with Fox
You are welcome, Fred. I am trying to find numbers for downloads since yesterdays but haven’t yet. Wonder if all the outages cost them the world record.
Thanks for your work with Firefox 3.0. I’ve been in kind of a shell lately with all my projects and haven’t had time to properly test it out, but I am happy to say I’m using it full time now!
P.S. Whats a guy gotta do to get you to update your blogroll?
Kyle Eslicks last blog post..Make Money Online with E-Junkie
Thanks – this is the first I have heard that this is finally released and fortunately one of the download links is working for me right now so thank a lot for that one.
Most people say FTP downloads will not count towards the final tally, so I took the safe route and downloaded HTTP versions. I’d written a post about it on the morning of Firefox launch (before the site was even updated), all with direct links which also appeared on Mozilla website soon after.
It would be okay to keep the FTP link now though, since the record attempt is over.
Sumeshs last blog post..Download Firefox 3 to help Mozilla Firefox set a world record
I had been using the beta version on my Ubuntu desktop – great that the full version is finally out. It’s a cool browser.
Simons last blog post..KeywordLuv and Do Follow
As a web designer, I am so hesitant to download the new version. All the addons for web development are still not updated for the 3.0 so I am biting my time. My guess is it will take a week or two till addons get updated for 3.0
I find it sill that they did all this advertising to get all those downloads on one day, yet did not ensure that they could handle it. I am happy to hear they exceeded the goal, but find it mind boggling that they did nothing to increase bandwidth or anything like that to keep the site up.
So, how’s Firefox 3 working out for people? Did you manage to transfer your profile from an earlier version without losing all your passwords? What about memory draining is it doing well?
David Bradleys last blog post..Evolution 2.0
I have not download version 3.0 yet, may be i will download it later. I still love using version 2.
Firefox 3 is working ok for me. I just miss my extensions that don’t work with this version for now.
I tried to download Firefox 3 on the day of release, but was unable to due to the site not loading…so much for trying to achieve a record! ๐
Anyway, I’ve finally got round to installing it today, somewhat late to the party, but it seems to be running pretty well to me and apart from losing some extensions that haven’t been updated for v3 yet, I’m happy with it.
Zaths last blog post..Blog Banter: Game Distribution – Digital vs Physical
I have updated the post with a new link. See if that works for you.