Enable HTTPS And Keep Your Facebook Account Secure

You might have heard of techniques like FireSheep which lets others in the same network as you with access to your Facebook account.

In light of this, Facebook just recently announced full HTTPS support.

Enabling HTTPS on your Facebook account will prevent a lot of hacks and protect your information.

Facebook is notorious for turning on some ‘features’ by default without users having to opt in. However, for something so important to your account security, they have left it upto you to secure your account.

Fear not, it is super easy to make your Facebook account super secure.

  1. Login to your Facebook account and go to Account tab
  2. Go to Account Settings
  3. Go to Privacy section
  4. Enable ‘Secure Browsing (https) and save


That’s it.

Right here is another useful section a lot of people aren’t aware of.  You can check the ‘When a new computer or mobile device logs in, send me an email’.

This can alert you to possible hacked account instantly when someone figures out your password and logs in from somewhere else.

You can also see the list of computers and devices associated with your account. Remove ones you don’t know and change your password.

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One Response to “Enable HTTPS And Keep Your Facebook Account Secure”

  1. Social Marketing September 29, 2011 at 1:46 am #

    Pretty soon everyone with a Facebook page app will need to have the canvas page hosted on a secure server with an https as well as http.