Audible has one of the largest collections of best audiobooks. Amazon certainly knew that when bought them recently.
In spite of wide spread reviews, Audible linux is far from a reality for most linux enthusiasts. One of the machines I use daily is a Ubuntu linux desktop. Audible works fantastic with iTunes on Windows and Mac.
Installing audible on Ubuntu with wine is straightforward if you have installed any Windows program on Ubuntu with wine. If not, wine is a Windows emulator program that runs most windows installers without a problem.
Installing Audible on Ubuntu
- Download AudibleManager from
- Find the ActiveSetupN.exe file (look in Downloads folder or search for it)
Audible on Ubuntu
- Right click the file and check the “Allow executing the file as program” option
- Install Wine if you don’t have it already – check Ubuntu Software Center
- Now, right click the file and select ‘Open with Wine Windows Program Loader’.
- Change default folder locations if you need to and click ‘I Accept’ to install
- AudibleManager install is done
Now, open AudibleManager and go to Devices -> Activate. For me, once I enter my login it just closes the login screen and my device is still not authorized.

Audible on linux
Instead go to Wine -> Programs -> AudibleManager -> Audible Download Manager -> enter login. Now, wait for some time to see it load your audiobooks. Now you have working audible linux setup! Rejoice.
One thing to remember is that if you were already using Audible on other computers you may have to deauthorize audible account first before you can add it to your linux computer.
I tried this only on Ubuntu linux. You can try this on other linux distros and with wine working the same on other linux flavors as well I don’t see why it wouldn’t work. It would be great to see official Audible linux support without having to resort to hacks like this one.
You can check out my other Ubuntu linux related posts here. Also, don’t forget to check out this free audible audiobook offer!
{ hat tip to Lee Carlon }
Audible is bologna.
Stick with an mp3, the equiv, or nothing.
There is far too much available to listen to on the Internet that doesn’t require installing such junk.
No one wants to run this junk on their computer. And Wine, too? Ha. Pfff.