Adobe AIR to Power Tablets & Televisions

Adobe AIR has been an interesting technology and continues to do so. It is used to power web apps but make them look like they are desktop apps.

Adobe AIR is cross platform and it works on Windows, Mac OS X and Linux.

I have covered a lot of Adobe AIR apps here before. One of the popular ones I still use but often forget it is powered by Adobe AIR is TweetDeck.


Adobe just announced at the Adobe MAX conference that Adobe AIR 2.5 is geared to power televisions, tablets, smartphones and desktop operating systems.

Adobe AIR 2.5 now supports:

  • Smartphones and tablets based on BlackBerry® Tablet OS, Android™ and iOS
  • Desktops running on Windows®, Macintosh and Linux® operating systems
  • Televisions with Samsung as the first television manufacturer to ship Adobe AIR in its line of Samsung SmartTV devices

Also device manufactures Acer, HTC, Motorola, RIM, Samsung and others are expected to ship the AIR runtime pre-installed on a variety of devices including tablets and smartphones later this year and early 2011.   A list of mobile devices that meet the AIR system requirements can be found on

Adobe has also released AIR for Android and now there is a slew of AIR powered Android apps in the marketplace.

With Apple totally ditching Flash and in turn Adobe, it is interesting to see Adobe make a play in the market where Apple currently has a stronghold – smartphones, tablets (Apple iPad) and now on television.

If you interested on this topic, here are a few good articles I came across today

Also, Adobe has introduced another InDesign like platform on the web as a free public preview – Project ROME.

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