I use Twitter pretty much every day now and it’s probably no news for those of who follow me on Twitter.
Although I rely on my Google Reader feeds to stay informed and get creative with blogging, Twitter is more and more becoming my source for good information for this blog.
Plus, I use Twitter clients like Twhirl & TweetDeck in desktops and iTwitter, iTweetReply & TweetDeck in my iPhone. Most of these clients give me a way to mark interesting links as favorites in Twitter.
Even though I could just try to get to my Twitter favorites from the web or from one of the clients, it still hasn’t fit into my established workflow for blogging.
That’s when this idea popped up in my head when I found that I am missing out on all the good links I am collecting via Twitter.
Twitter offers a RSS feed for your updates as well as your Twitter favorites! Just grab your Twitter Favorite page’s RSS feed from the web and add it to your Google Reader. (It will look like http://twitter.com/favorites/xxxxxxxx.rss)

This gives me the added incentive of being able to search just through my Twitter favorites in Google Reader and the ability to tag and sharing them in one more medium or even adding it to Delicious through Google Reader Greasemonkey scripts.
If you like look of my Google Reader, check out yesterday’s post on the Snow Leopard Google Reader skin.
Very cool, wasn’t aware of that! Shared with my network, thanks!
.-= Barbara Ling, Virtual Coach´s last blog ..How to make gratuitous profits with CommentLuv longterm – Part 1 =-.
I don’t know how I would cope without RSS, it saves so much time.
.-= Allan´s last blog ..How To Determine If A Niche Is Profitable =-.
Thanks for making me aware of google reader. Let me try this out with my twitter.
This article has an option where you can continue to use these favs within Google Reader: http://ttrumble.com/fixing-a-broken-twitter-feed-in-the-google-reader-lifestream-archive/
even after Twitter made all the feeds authentication only.
.-= Doug Cone´s last blog ..Understanding Bit.ly Stats =-.
Doug, thanks for the heads up! i didn’t realize mine stopped working until I read your comment.
Thanks so much for such clear instructions. Accomplished the task in a couple minutes and now going to play with it!