We looked at the budding and promising service ScreenToaster review back in Nov’08. ScreenToaster is an online screen recording tool that doesn’t require you to install any software in your computer. The only requirement is to have Java installed in your browser and you can use this in Windows, Mac OS X or Linux! It […]

Picasa Web Albums catching up with Flickr
on November 18, 2012 in Tech for Life
I talked about two best photo sharing apps that I love in a previous post. Picasa Web Albums is Google’s answer to Flickr that Yahoo bought and done a great job with. One thing that Picasa Web Albums was missing was the community element of searching others pictures by ttitle, subject, tags, etc. Now, Google […]
Evernote Opens up it’s API – Users Rejoice
on November 10, 2012 in Tech for Life
Evernote is a note-taking application on steroids. It has the winning formula and success written all over it. I did step over a line and called Evernote as a Google Notebook alternative. And it has definitely come true for me. I have completely ditched Google Notebook for Evernote. Evernote just introduced some very important and […]
New Firefox Add-ons Website Coming Soon
on November 20, 2011 in Tech for Life
We have seen plenty of coverage recently about the upcoming release of Firefox 3. A lesser known fact is that this release is accompanied by a new Firefox add-ons site and is right now available for preview here. I for one love it’s clean look and pleasing colors. They have done some nice changes to […]
Google Maps gets Street View
on November 20, 2011 in Tech for Life
I know I have been covering Google a lot lately but they have been introducing new features to applications I use regularly and how can I not share that with you? This is not exactly news as this is being discussed in the other tech blogs since this morning. Google Maps Street View Google Maps […]

StumbleUpon Update: StumbleThru sites
on November 20, 2011 in Tech for Life
I was just talking about how StumbleUpon’s categories are broad in my last post. Now, this doesn’t address that particular topic, but definitely a plus as a feature. Even though the StumbleThru page is accessible right now, they haven’t formally announced this feature in the home page yet. What they have done is to provide […]
Grand Central goes Mobile
on November 20, 2011 in Tech for Life
We wrote about GrandCentral a while back and it has been one of our most popular articles as you might have noticed in the sidebar! If you haven’t read our earlier article, Grand Central is a free service that offers you one phone number for life! Here is a glimpse of my post before you […]

Windows 7 Release Candidate – Official Download Link
on November 20, 2011 in Tech for Life
Microsoft Windows 7 has been creating a steady buzz with the release of beta. The Release Candidate has also been making the rounds in torrent trackers. Microsoft has made an official Windows 7 RC available for download. It looks like Microsoft took enough precautions to handle the load from a surge of beta downloaders wanting […]

Yahoo Photos closing deadline announced
on November 20, 2011 in Tech for Life
Raise your hands if you use or have used Yahoo Photos. Even though I have been using Flickr, Picasa Web Albums & Photobucket for various needs lately, I still have a lot of my pictures left in Yahoo Photos. You might have read it here or elsewhere about Yahoo’s decision to shutdown Yahoo Photos. For […]

DropBox Web – Redesigned with Bulk Operations
on November 20, 2011 in Dropbox, Tech for Life
Dropbox is my favorite file sync software and one of its major advantages over others in the file sync area is their incredible web access to all your stored files and folders. Dropbox Web just got prettier. Not only, did it get a nice UI redesign but they also added some very useful features to […]

Flurry of updates: Google Reader and Yahoo Web Messenger
on June 9, 2011 in Tech for Life
We are seeing a flurry of news about updates on various software by the giants today. This is really good for us, the consumers. Yahoo Messenger launches Web Messenger Yahoo is finally getting the drift that there are people who can’t download the IM client at certain places like work or someone else’s computer but […]

Microsoft Office 2010 Beta Now Available for Download
on November 20, 2009 in Microsoft Office, Tech for Life, Windows, Windows Freeware
I guess it’s free beta week this time. We just saw that we can download and try Adobe Lightroom 3 beta for free. If you have uploaded to Windows 7 recently, you might be looking to re-install your Office software or the free Open Office software. Microsoft recently announced Office 2010 with a ton of […]

Firefox 3.6 Beta 1 Available For Download
on November 1, 2009 in Firefox, Tech for Life
Firefox 3.6 with Gecko 1.9.2 is here as beta 1 now. Here are the new features in Firefox 3.6 Users can now change their browser’s appearance with a single click, with built in support for Personas. Firefox 3.6 will alert users about out of date plugins to keep them safe. Open, native video can now […]

Upgrading Windows XP to Windows 7 Gotchas
on October 30, 2009 in Featured, Tech for Life, Windows, Windows 7
Windows 7 has finally launched! (check this post for a ton of articles related to this current post) Just want to give you a heads up that this post is mostly my experience in upgrading Windows XP Home to Windows 7 Home Premium with lots of useful resources I came across thrown in for good […]

Windows 7 Released. Vendors Offer Free Anti-Virus SoftwareWindows
on October 22, 2009 in Featured, Tech for Life, Windows, Windows 7
Windows 7 has been officially released by Microsoft today – Oct 22nd. I still run Windows XP SP3 on my 5 year old desktop and it runs like a champ. I never upgraded to Vista as i knew how resource hungry it was. My wife has been running Vista on her Sony Vaio and it […]
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- Typealyzer – What Type is Your Blog? November 18, 2012
- Get CommentLuv And KeywordLuv For Your Comments August 2, 2011
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- Blogging Tip: Turn off FeedBurner Redirect in RSS Feeds October 31, 2007
- How To Get Around To Those Blocked Websites June 6, 2011
- MagicJack Review – VOIP Service for $20/Year May 5, 2008