Google recently introduced Google Public DNS service. Last week, I wrote about what Google Public DNS actually means to you. If you are not aware of what it is I recommend reading that post before reading this further. With a couple of different options with DNS Servers now between your ISP’s default DNS server, the […]

Which DNS Service Should You Use?
on November 18, 2012 in Google, Google Public DNS, Tech for Life, Tips & Tricks, Windows, Windows Freeware

Free software for your computer
on November 18, 2012 in Tech for Life
I don’t pay for software anymore! I use open source software for Windows that are free for most applications. Gone are the days you had to pay for software like: Anti-virus Firewall Email client Photo Editor and the likes.. The lists of free software for windows are countless on the Internet and could overwhelm anyone […]
openSUSE 11.0 Released – Linux Users Rejoice
on November 18, 2012 in Tech for Life
Open Source movement is seeing a lot of excitement this week. Hot on the heels of the much anticipated release of Firefox 3, openSUSE has released their shiny new version openSUSE 11.0 today. openSUSE 11.0 is in the wild now with almost 200 new features specific to openSUSE, an awesome new installer, a faster package […]
Keyboard Shortcuts Fiesta
on November 18, 2012 in Tech for Life
I like to find out how I can be more productive with all the tools I have at my disposal. One of the key things that help me with my productivity and me from getting Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is Keyboard Shortcuts. I use keyboard shortcuts for my Windows Desktop, Firefox, GMail, GreatNews, GReader, Remember the […]
Newsgator makes FeedDemon and NetNewsWire Free
on November 18, 2012 in Tech for Life
Newsgator is the company behind the popular RSS feed readers FeedDemon for Windows & NetNewsWire for Mac. With freeware being so popular these days, Newsgator was successful in selling paid versions of FeedDemon and NetNewsWire so far. Now, they have announced these 2 excellent feed readers FREE for all to download and use. In fact, […]
Windows Live Writer Portable 2.0 – With U3 Support
on November 18, 2012 in Tech for Life
Windows Live Writer Beta 3 Released Windows Live Writer (WLW) Beta 3 was released last week. This is the last beta release before the final release of WLW. Some of the new features and improvements in this release are Support’s ‘Insert Video’ natively previously made possible by a plugin Publish XHTML style markup Use Writer […]

Pingdom Adds Free Website Monitoring
on November 18, 2012 in Tech for Life
Pingdom is one of the premium website monitoring services out there. We have looked at free website monitoring services such as Montastic. Free website monitoring services like Montastic could suffice if your needs don’t go beyond knowing when your website goes down. But, if you wanted to know more about uptimes, response times, error analysis, […]

Google Chrome – New Kid in the Browser Block
on November 18, 2012 in Tech for Life
After years of Google working on it’s own browser, Google has released it today. Let’s welcome Google Chrome. If you subscribe to a few tech blogs, I am sure you are going to be inundated, even feel sick with news about Google Chrome. So, I am going to keep this brief and just show a […]
RocketDock – A Cool Application Launcher For Free
on November 18, 2012 in Tech for Life
RocketDock is a free application launcher available for Windows 2000/XP/Vista. It offers Drag and Drop your frequently used apps/links/shortcuts to the dock, Supports alpha-blended png and ico icons that give that cool glassy look, Dock auto-hides and popup on mouse over.

Find Better Software Alternatives for Windows, Mac & Linux
on November 18, 2012 in Tech for Life
I have this immense love for finding new software, web services alternatives to the ones I am already using. ShanKrila is a direct by product of that. I am always on the lookout for new & better software, that improved my productivity, let me keep my computer resources down and working on my computer a […]
Top Web Applications Best Suited for Mozilla Prism
on November 10, 2012 in Remember the Milk, Tech for Life, Web Apps
Mozilla Prism, previously known as WebRunner, is a great application that splits the web applications from the browser and lets you run them from your desktop. Although in it’s infancy, Prism is already very useful for me and I use it for a variety of web applications that I need open throughout the day. If […]

Top 10 WordPress 2.9 Features You Should Know
on November 10, 2012 in Tech for Life, WordPress
WordPress 2.9 is coming soon and it’s time to see what we can expect from this release. WordPress is one of the most popular blogging platforms and is available in a hosted version at and as a free self-hosting version at WordPress 2.9 is the next version in the recent updates and I […]
Dropbox Goes Public & Linux Client Is Available Now
on November 10, 2012 in Dropbox, Tech for Life
DropBox is an innovative file synchronization service that seamlessly keeps the assigned folder between computers in sync. You can even get to your files from anywehere via a browser interface. You can read my DropBox Review here. Dropbox was on closed beta so far and they have just launched publicly! You go ahead and sign […]

The Rumor is True! Google is Building an Operating System
on November 10, 2012 in Tech for Life
We have heard rumors of Google’s plans to build an operating system for a long time. Guess what, it’s true! When Google released its Google Chrome browser 9 months ago, the Google OS rumors kinda died down. Plus, the mobile devices OS platform Android was also another reason. Google Chrome OS Not to be confused […]

Schmap – Travel Guides Supercharged
on November 10, 2012 in Tech for Life
I love traveling. And I am fond of reading travel guides before and while traveling. I like to get the background about the places I am visiting and try to find the best bang for the buck in the limited time I am at a place. I have used Fodor’s guides and TripAdvisor forums in […]
- Why Should a DBA Learn Hadoop? May 1, 2013
- Simple Task Management with Todoist November 18, 2012
- Machinarium’s Experience With Non-DRM/Piracy, Offers Amnesty November 18, 2012
- Firefox Extensions: Picks of the Week 09-03-24 November 18, 2012
- Typealyzer – What Type is Your Blog? November 18, 2012
- Get CommentLuv And KeywordLuv For Your Comments August 2, 2011
- 40+ Best WordPress Plugins for 2011 July 1, 2011
- Blogging Tip: Turn off FeedBurner Redirect in RSS Feeds October 31, 2007
- How To Get Around To Those Blocked Websites June 6, 2011
- MagicJack Review – VOIP Service for $20/Year May 5, 2008