Tag Archives: mobile
Are you buying an iPhone?

Are you buying an iPhone?

Wow. I can’t remember when a cell phone launch has created such a buzz like Apple’s iPhone has! It sure is set to turn out to be a huge moneymaker for Apple, a $10 Billion business by a Business Week estimate! If you haven’t seen an iPhone ad yet, here are some TV ads at […]

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Cellphone rescues shoppers: Frucall

Cellphone rescues shoppers: Frucall

While you are browsing through a bookshop or favorite game store, ever wondered if you should ask your friend to get online and see if there is a better deal online? Not anymore.. You can call Frucall (1-888-DO-FRUCALL) on your cellphone or from a pay phone and get the prices from online store! It’s time […]

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