Google made some significant announcements in their 2011 Google I/O conference last week in San Francisco, CA. You can check out the keynotes from Day 1 & Day 2 here in these videos. A funny slide depicting the Android robot eating an Apple! Day 1 had topics such as Momentum, Mobile and More Movies in […]

2011 Google IO Keynote Day 1 & Day 2 Videos
on November 18, 2012 in Android, Google, Google Chrome OS

GigaPan Time Machine + Google Chrome = Pure Joy
on November 20, 2011 in Google, Google Chrome, Photography
You may remember the team at Carnegie Mellon University called the GigaPan for their amazing panoramic photos from around the world including the presidential inauguration. GigaPan just made it to the next level with their GigaPan Time Machine. GigaPan Time Machine team captures hundreds and thousands of time lapse pictures and using HTNL5 technology have […]

Must Have Super Google Reader Chrome Extension
on April 21, 2011 in Google, Google Chrome, Google Reader
Sometimes I am just bewildered why Google hasn’t been pushing their development efforts in Google Reader as aggressively as Gmail. But, thanks to the developer community we can get some nifty features added to these webapps with browser extensions. We have looked at several Gmail and Google Reader Firefox extensions before. It’s time to look […]

Best Minimalist Chrome Extensions
on April 7, 2011 in Google, Google Chrome
Most web apps attract us with their simplicity and minimalism in the interface. Take Gmail, Google Calendar, Facebook, etc. However, as time passes by most providers start adding features to the interface sometimes bordering on cluttered. How can you customize the interface so they are again simple to your liking? If you are in the […]
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