Amazon is offering a Nintendo DSi trade-in and gives you Amazon gift cards in exchange and may be get the iPod Touch 4G you have been wanting to buy? You can also trade-in your old DSi & other console games for Amazon gift cards. For example, here are a few trade in values Nintendo DSi […]

Trade-in Your Old Consoles and Get a $100 Amazon Credit
on August 2, 2011 in Gadget Deals, Gadgets, Gaming, Nintendo Wii, PlayStation 3, Tech Deals, XBox 360

Create Funny Christmas Videos With JibJab
on December 19, 2009 in Featured, Flash Games, Household, Life matters, Tech for Life, Web Apps
Update: 12/19/2010 JibJab is known for their customizable funny videos. And they bring out special videos for Christmas season. JibJab lets you create fun videos customized with your own faces from pictures you upload. You can then share that video with your friends and family taking the greeting card to the next level. Holiday Rock is […]

Download Free Microsoft Tinker For Windows 7
on December 19, 2009 in Flash Games, Tech for Life, Windows, Windows 7, Windows Freeware
Microsoft had some cool apps/games from Windows Vista Ultimate Extras. The stage is set to make a comeback to Windows 7. You had to pay extra to get the Vista Ultimate Extras and what is awesome is that some of these games/apps are going to make it to Windows 7 for free. In fact, Microsoft […]

2009 Christmas Shopping Roundup – Amazon Edition
on December 6, 2009 in Digital Cameras, Featured, Gadget Deals, Gadgets, Gaming, Household, Life matters, Money Matters, Tech for Life
Christmas shopping began for many of us with the Black Friday deals. Amazon had a lot of nice deals for a geek’s version of a perfect Christmas gift like the Canon T1i, Nintendo Wii, Kindle DX, iPod Touch 32GB, PlayStation 3, etc., and they still have some nice Holiday deals. The biggest perceived perk with […]

Very Cool Free Flash Game – ScaryGirl
on December 5, 2009 in Flash Games, Tech for Life, Web Apps
You could spend a lot of money on a Playstation 3 or a Nintendo Wii and get your money’s worth in entertainment. But, sometimes you would come across a simple free web based game that will keep you occupied for hours and sometimes days. I just came across a such a very cool flash game […]
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