In fact, Tversity can stream to just about any networked device, even an iPhone! It can transcode any video format to a format palatable by these devices which can be picky about the codes they support.

Queued – Netflix Queue in your Desktop
on February 23, 2009 in Tech for Life
Queued brings your Netflix queue to your desktop allowing you to quicky, view and modify your queue. It also lets you search for movies and add it your queue.

Browse Netflix Instant Watch Movies Faster
on January 30, 2009 in Life matters
Here is another example of how a web application providing APIs for external programmers can bring out some very cool apps. Netflix subscribers will definitely appreciate this new mashup – Netflix InstantWatcher. If you watch a lot of ‘Watch instantly’ movies in your computer or in your TV through a Roku box, you will know […]

CoolFlick Brings Your Flickr Pics to Life
on January 26, 2009 in Tech for Life
Cooliris is my favorite way to browse through Flickr Pics. Cooliris is a Firefox add-on that enables us to visualize pictures in a wall. You can scroll through the wall seamlessly and zoom into the ones you like. It’s hard to explain but kind of like Apple’s CoverFlow. You can flick with your mouse to […]

Watching 2009 US Presidential Inauguration Online
on January 20, 2009 in Life matters
Today is an historic day. You may be stuck in a place with no TV or at work. No worries. There are plenty of ways to catch the inauguration ceremony online and here is a quick run through. The Swearing-in Ceremony is at 11:30AM and at 2:30PM the Inaugural Parade will move down Pennsylvania Avenue […]
Shorten Those Google Search URLs
on January 12, 2009 in Tech for Life
There is no dearth for shortening services. But, this one is a special one. is a Google search query shortening service. It’s kind of hard to explain when you might need this but this could come in handy in a few instances. Like if you are helping a friend over IM and want to […]
Amazing Time Lapse Video
on January 10, 2009 in Good Reads
Just browsing through my Google Reader and came across this mind blowing time lapse video of the sky! túrána hott kurdís by hasta la otra méxico! from Till Credner on Vimeo. For the curious, the maker of the video says he shot this at Most locations are in southern Germany around the Swabian Alb where […]

ShanKrila’s Best of 2008 – Your Version
on December 31, 2008 in ShanKri-la
Another year has passed by and a New Year is on the horizon. For some of you in a different timezone, 2009 is probably already here as I am writing this. If you are groaning ‘oh no, not yet another best of 2008 post!’, my apologies. But, there is a reason there are so many […]
VLC – Best of the Free Media Players
on December 15, 2008 in Tech for Life
We looked at Mozilla’s iTunes alternative SongBird last week. When I was writing about SongBird I realized I had never shared my views on one of my favorite free multimedia player for a long time – VLC Media Player. VLC media player – Quick Features Highly portable capable of playing multiple media formats Plays audio […]
Friday Fun: Free Automated Call Back from GetMooh
on August 8, 2008 in Life matters
It’s been a while since I did the Friday Fun post! I have found a funny yet useful-in-a-weird-situation kind of service I wanna tell you about. is an automated call back service. And what do they propose they can do? help you escape from a date get you out of sticky social situation take […]

Use Your Netflix Subscription to the Fullest
on May 21, 2008 in Household
My wife and I had used Netflix for a longtime almost since its inception and were very happy with it. Living in Michigan, it was very nice to receive movies in the mail and have something new to watch while we stayed indoors on a snowy day. When Blockbuster started their online service, the turn […]
Friday Fun: Best of Fark Edition & NCAA Scores by RSS
on March 20, 2008 in Life matters
It’s been a while I have been on Fark. Everytime I stop by, I just laugh my ass off. Here are a few headlines that caught my eyes today: Dumbass: If you plan to shoplift from a store, be sure you don’t leave behind any evidence that can tie you to the crime. Like your […]
Friday Fun: Live Sushi – Art or Cruelty?
on March 14, 2008 in Life matters
The esteemed guest author (hint hint.. you should come back to write, Peter) and a great friend of mine, Pedro sent me these videos this week. Disclaimer: If you are an animal lover or for that matter fish lover, it may not be pleasant viewing for you. And this.. I am not a […]
Friday Fun: Lufthansa Close Call in Hamburg Video
on March 7, 2008 in Life matters
It definitely would have been far from fun for the passengers in this Lufthansa flight. This A320 flight was caught in the crosswind and was almost blown over. When I saw it all I could say was wow! I really wouldn’t want to be on that plane. They are guessing the wind speed when that […]
Friday Fun: Star Wars by a 3 Year Old
on February 29, 2008 in Life matters
I swear I am not a Star Wars fan. I did talk about a Darth Vader hot air balloon last friday and this week I have more Star War stuff. Here is Star Wars according to a 3-year old! I am sorry if you have already seen this video making the rounds this week […]
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- Typealyzer – What Type is Your Blog? November 18, 2012
- Get CommentLuv And KeywordLuv For Your Comments August 2, 2011
- 40+ Best WordPress Plugins for 2011 July 1, 2011
- Blogging Tip: Turn off FeedBurner Redirect in RSS Feeds October 31, 2007
- How To Get Around To Those Blocked Websites June 6, 2011
- MagicJack Review – VOIP Service for $20/Year May 5, 2008