Firefox 4 has been in the making for a long time. As always with major Firefox releases, it is going through intensive beta testing. Firefox 4 has now reached beta 10 and includes over 500 bugfixes. Firefox 4 includes some major feature changes and additions like Instant website ID Private browsing Anti-virus software Crash protection […]

How to Run Firefox 4 and Firefox 3 At the Same Time?
on November 18, 2012 in Firefox, Tips & Tricks
I haven’t had the need to do this yet but thanks to @StephenCronin asking this question. With Firefox 4 out yesterday, there are many extension developers who haven’t updated their add-ons yet. Or you may want to test your website on Firefox 3 while using Firefox 4 simultaneously. Whatever the reason maybe, here is how […]
BlackSheep Protects Against FireSheep
on June 2, 2011 in Firefox, Firefox Add-ons
I wrote about a Firefox extension, FireSheep, that could let someone else on the same public WiFi connection as you could log into your social networking accounts. Eric Butler released Fire Sheep download with a good intention to show the seriousness of how lax the login procedures are for most of the popular social networking […]

What is FireSheep and How to Protect Yourself?
on June 1, 2011 in Firefox, Firefox Add-ons, Tech for Life, Tips & Tricks
I am going to be traveling a lot this month and probably end up using a lot of free WiFi access points. So, when I came across FireSheep I had to write about it. FireSheep, in essence, is a Firefox extension that can sniff out your login information to many sites and let a stranger […]
Show/Hide Firefox Address Bar Like Google Chrome
on May 23, 2011 in Firefox, Firefox Add-ons, Google, Google Chrome
Google Chrome just introduced a cool feature which lets you maximize the browser space you have by letting you easily show/hide the address bar. Firefox is not be out done by Chrome for long. With the Firefox extension – LessChrome HD, you can get the same show/hide address bar feature in Firefox. Once installed (no […]

List of Slowest Firefox Extensions
on April 5, 2011 in Firefox, Firefox Add-ons
Mozilla has pushed the envelope with the shutdown and startup times of its Firefox 4 browser. In fact, I am really thrilled to see it match the startup times of Google Chrome. However, there are still a few Firefox add-ons that could cause a slowdown. Mozilla has taken a step to push add-on developers to […]

Download Firefox 4.0 Now – Update Coming Tomorrow
on March 21, 2011 in Firefox, Windows, Windows Freeware
Mozilla has announced that their next big release – Firefox 4 is coming tomorrow. However, if you would like to grab the final Firefox 4.0 public version now you do so now. Download Firefox 4.0 If that server is overloaded, you can also try to download it from here.

Home Dash Rekindles My Love for Firefox
on February 10, 2011 in Firefox, Firefox Add-ons, Tech for Life
I have been an avid Firefox user for many many years. However, sometime over the last year I have started using Google Chrome as my main browser for Gmail, Google Reader, Facebook, etc. mainly for its speed. I still use Firefox for web development efforts. The Firefox extensions available for this is unmatched. With Firefox […]
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