Wesabe has been my favorite online money management tool for a long time. if you haven’t heard, you can read my review of Wesabe and in fact check out others reviews tagged with the same name. If you are a Wesabe user with an Internet enabled mobile or someone looking for an online money management […]

Deal Alert: Kingston 2GB USB Flash Drive – $6.95 (free shipping)
on September 17, 2007 in Money Matters
I have mentioned previously that the one newsletter I love is the one from Buy.com. They truly give out some awesome deals! I had purchased my Kingston DataTraveler 2GB USB Flash Drive from Buy.com a few months back. Now, it is again on sale for $16.95 with free shipping! I have ordered another one to […]

Save Money Watching for Price Drops
on September 14, 2007 in Money Matters
Farecast.com Farecast.com is a fairly popular site that many of you might already know.It is an excellent resource to check before purchasing an airline ticket and get a buy now or wait suggestion. Farecast analyses past historical data and provide recommendations on if the flight ticket price you are interested in is supposed to stay […]

Track Car Mileage and Get Projections with MyMileMarker
on August 31, 2007 in Money Matters
Just what I was looking for to track my car mileage! I drive a 2000 Mitsubishi Eclipse with over 100,000 miles on it. It is running well and I try to guess its mileage with every fill up by setting up my trip meter with every fill up and making a mental note of the […]

Wesabe just got better – Firefox Uploader
on July 27, 2007 in Money Matters
I talk a lot about Wesabe here and you can find my earlier posts in ‘Related Posts’ or just search for Wesabe. For those of you new to Wesabe, it is an excellent online money management application with social features built into it. Wesabe Firefox Uploader Wesabe’s desktop uploader worked great for a couple of […]

Wesabe releases API for your Bank Data
on July 13, 2007 in Money Matters
Need an API to your bank, credit card data? Wesabe provides it even if it is indirect. Who/What is Wesabe? Wesabe is money management in a true web 2.0 sense. You have a secure place to manage your money online with great tools like tagging transactions, charts, etc. Plus, you get the benefit of the […]

Wesabe gets cash accounts & flashier
on June 14, 2007 in Money Matters, Tech for Life
I use Wesabe to track my personal finances and I have written about it before. It is definitely well worth a look if you are looking for a way to manage your personal finances online but securely. What was a great product just got even better with these new features: Cash Accounts Previously, Wesabe just showed […]

Tax time: Should you avoid big name tax places?
on April 11, 2007 in Money Matters
Consumerist thinks so. And I trust their reasons. Here is the short article with links to some bad apples. As they suggest, try to use someone with a few good references. I used the free offering from TaxACT this year and already used up the tax returns towards the closing costs for our home! Remember […]

Wesabe updates: Goals, Groups & Full-text feeds
on April 7, 2007 in Money Matters
We talked about Wesabe here lately and Marc Hedlund from Wesabe commented here about upcoming new features. True to their words, they have introduced some new features on their site. While it’s not the ooh-aaah kind of improvements, they definitely make it user-friendly. Now, to the quick facts: Goals are just goals: Earlier, in the […]

ShanKri-la Feature: Save money the Web 2.0 way – Wesabe.com
on March 30, 2007 in Money Matters
Sorry about the little hiatus. Long story short.. it has been a crazy week at work after a week away from work at a training! It’s time for the weekly ShanKri-la feature! We just bought a house a month back. We feel the pinch from a large part of our paycheck going to the mortgage. […]
Mortgages, PMI & Sub-prime loans
on March 22, 2007 in Money Matters
If you are on the market for buying a home and don’t have 20% down payment, eJabs has a great post on PMI writeoff. We just went through the whole home buying process last month and I should share some of our experiences while the facts are fresh in my mind. FHA Loans If you […]

Did you know this about Auto Insurance in Michigan?
on March 1, 2007 in Life matters
Well, I didn’t! My car has been hit while parked on a couple of previous hit and run incidents but I never filed a claim because of my $500 deductible and the damages would have cost less than that. Couple of weeks back, I was at Sam’s Club waiting in an aisle for someone to […]
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