I am glad to say that the RSS full feed woes are finally over for me. I hope I didn’t drive off too many readers with these problems. What went wrong? Although I would love to put my finger on it, the real cause is still eluding me. But, here is the sequence of steps […]

RSS Full Feed Problem Fixed
on November 20, 2011 in Blogging, Feedburner, Google, Tips & Tricks, WordPress

How to Check DNS Propagation Status?
on November 20, 2011 in Tips & Tricks, WordPress
Here is another useful tidbit when you are working on moving websites, changing DNS servers, etc. If you just made a change to your DNS entries and waiting for it to propagate, there is a surefire way of measuring progress instead of twiddling your thumbs or whatever it is that you do when waiting for […]
Create Custom HTML Signatures in Gmail – Black Canvas
on November 20, 2011 in Tech for Life
One of the primary gripes about Gmail is the lack of HTML support in email signatures. And it sticks out like a sore thumb. Obviously, Google has heard this complaint for a long time from it’s huge user base especially from the power users. And they haven’t still addressed this user request despite making other […]

Good Reads: Buzz in Blogs 2007-12-08
on August 2, 2011 in Good Reads
Couple of new things going on here at ShanKri-la. I have become a guest author at one of the popular Tech Blogs by my friend Keith D’Souza – Techie-Buzz.com. I will start out posting one post every week and it will appear mostly on Fridays. I was humbled and honored at the same time when […]
Get CommentLuv And KeywordLuv For Your Comments
on August 2, 2011 in WordPress
I am a firm believer in showing love to my readers, bloggers and non-bloggers alike. I have been a ‘Do Follow‘ adopter from the very beginning of my blogging days. DoFollow For those unaware, WordPress makes comments a ‘nofollow’ link to make it unattractive to spammers. But, there has been a movement to reward commentators […]
ShanKri-la RSS subscribers – Please read
on August 2, 2011 in Blogging, Feedburner, Google, WordPress
First of, I would like to apologize to those who have been annoyed in the past 2 days by the partial posts in ShanKri-la feed. If you wondered if I have switched from full posts to partial posts, the answer is NO. I have no intention of forcing anyone to click over to my site […]
40+ Best WordPress Plugins for 2011
on July 1, 2011 in Tech for Life, WordPress
One of the things I love about WordPress as a blogging platform is how Plugins extend its functionality hundred fold. Just like how Firefox becomes more than a browser with its 1000’s of available extensions. Searching for a good WordPress plugin in the WP Plugin directory can be like finding a needle in the proverbial […]

Check for WordPress 3.2 Compatibility
on June 20, 2011 in Tips & Tricks, WordPress
WordPress 3.2 release date is just around the corner with some awesome new features like distraction free writing, a new admin dashboard, etc. However, WordPress 3.2 comes with its own set of pre-requisites. I was looking at the requirements to run WordPress 3.2 so I will be ready to update our blog network as soon […]
Quick Survey: Future of ShanKrila.com
on May 31, 2011 in Blogging, ShanKri-la
Please take a few minutes and fill out this survey. If you can’t see the embedded survey form, you can go here to fill it out. http://app.fluidsurveys.com/surveys/priya/future-of-shankrila/

Google Adsense Gets a New Mobile Interface
on March 3, 2011 in Adsense, Blogging, Google, Tech for Life
This one has been on my personal wishlist for a long time. I check Google Adsense everyday through an iPhone app. But, it doesn’t give the same sort of info I am used to getting out of the web interface. Google has just announced a mobile interface for Adsense. It is designed to give us […]

How to Setup Google Analytics Intelligence Alerts?
on November 23, 2009 in Featured, Google, Google Analytics, Tech for Life, Tips & Tricks
Google does a lot of things right and Google Analytics that help monitor your website traffic is definitely one among them. Google Analytics is a free and powerful website statistics gathering application. If you run a website(s), you are probably using Google Analytics to measure your site traffic. Google Analytics just added a cool new […]

WordPress Wins Best Overall Open Source CMS Award
on November 18, 2009 in Blogging, Tech for Life, WordPress
PacktPub awards Open Source CMS Awards every year. To my delight, WordPress has won the Overall Best Open Source CMS Award for the 2009 Open Source CMS Awards. In the last 4 years, this is the first time WordPress has won this award. Plus, it was named first runner-up in the Best Open Source PHP […]

Sync Folders Outside of My DropBox to Dropbox
on November 2, 2009 in Dropbox, Tech for Life, Tips & Tricks, Windows
Dropbox is an excellent file sync software that offers upto 2GB free storage. However, Dropbox limits you to sync files only in My Dropbox folder. However, you cannot beat Dropbox for the fast superior seamless syncing it offers. I use Windows Live Writer extensively for my blogging and I wanted my drafts folder to be in […]

Evernote Windows 3.5 New Features
on September 28, 2009 in Featured, Tech for Life
Evernote has been my favorite note taking application in my desktop, iPhone as well as the web. Evernote is free and it keeps your in sync between all these platforms all the time. Plus, Evernote has been in the leading edge on online note taking and I switched to it even before Google Notebook bit […]

Facebook Acquires Social Media Aggregator FriendFeed
on August 10, 2009 in Tech for Life
Facebook – the social networking giant has acquired FriendFeed. FriendFeed is a service that aggregates feeds from various social networking services and web services and shows it in a real-time stream of activities. For eg. you could just friend me in FriendFeed and you will be able to see everything I do on major web […]
- Why Should a DBA Learn Hadoop? May 1, 2013
- Simple Task Management with Todoist November 18, 2012
- Machinarium’s Experience With Non-DRM/Piracy, Offers Amnesty November 18, 2012
- Firefox Extensions: Picks of the Week 09-03-24 November 18, 2012
- Typealyzer – What Type is Your Blog? November 18, 2012
- Get CommentLuv And KeywordLuv For Your Comments August 2, 2011
- 40+ Best WordPress Plugins for 2011 July 1, 2011
- Blogging Tip: Turn off FeedBurner Redirect in RSS Feeds October 31, 2007
- How To Get Around To Those Blocked Websites June 6, 2011
- MagicJack Review – VOIP Service for $20/Year May 5, 2008