Amazon Prime is an enticing program and you can really get used to getting a free 2-day shipping for anything you purchase.Plus, there are also some exclusive email deals from time to time. Amazon is extending a free year of Amazon Prime for Students to students with a valid .edu email address. That is a […]

Amazon Offers Free Year of Prime Shopping For Students
on November 18, 2012 in Gadget Deals, Gadgets, Tech Deals, Tech for Life

Find Free eBooks and Price Drops for Amazon Kindle
on November 18, 2012 in Gadget Deals, Gadgets, Tablets, Web Apps
Regardless of the success of Apple iPad and other ebook readers, Amazon Kindle continues to do well. With Amazon announcing an even lower priced ad-supported version of Kindle, this space is getting hotter by the day. If you already own a Kindle, you may easily find New York Best Sellers and other popular books. But, […]

Amazon Launched App Store With 3800 Android Apps
on March 22, 2011 in Android, Featured, Google
Amazon has just made a play in the mobile apps market with their own App Store. They are hoping to be the iTunes equivalent of Android apps. What is interesting is that Google has their own Android Marketplace that the current Android users are used to downloading apps from. Amazon AppStore can be downloaded by […]
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