Be The Blog: Best Blogger Award There Is

I good friend of mine Brown of Brown Thoughts recently conferred me this awesome award – Be The Blog. It was originally created by another great friend of mine Mark Sierra of Me And My Drum. I am flattered and humbled that such fine people recognize and appreciate my humble efforts. Thanks Brown!

Be The Blog award can be summarized in Mark’s own words as:

That phrase stuck with me because I think that really sums up what a successful blogger does. And what I mean by successful is that they make it their own, stay with it, are interactive with their readers, and just plain have fun.

Be The Blog awardMark is not only talented at creating such a great award but he time and again has impressed me with his graphic skills. Check out this awesome looking award for a proof!

It is meant to take blogging to the next level and that is exactly my plan for the new year! Luckily, I haven’t lost focus on what I set out to do with this blog, that is to help others find good stuff in the internet.

You can read my earlier Why Do I Blog? post or my About page to get an idea if you are new here.

In the coming year, I hope to provide more useful info that you and I can use it in our daily lives without having to understand the technical mambo jambo. Who said geeks are the only ones who can have fun with internet?

Now, I would like to present this award to a few people who have inspired me, guided me and shown me the fun of blogging and conitnue to inspire me.

Yes it’s you – Garry of Garry Conn, Kyle of Kyle’s Cove, Chris of Blog-op, IngaOz of NiggyBuzz, Stephen of Scratch99 and Matthew of Blog About Your Blog.

You are all the definition of ‘Be The Blog‘!

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8 Responses to “Be The Blog: Best Blogger Award There Is”

  1. Brown Baron November 20, 2007 at 8:58 am #

    You definitely deserve this award buddy! Your blog is one of the classiest blogs in my opinion. Well deserved award 😀

  2. Mark November 20, 2007 at 1:40 pm #

    What a nice thing to say, K. Thank you! You are definitely the blog. I’m looking forward to all the great finds you’ll bring us in the coming year along with all your other fans. 😉

  3. Kyle Eslick November 20, 2007 at 6:24 pm #


    Thanks for mentioning my site. I’m glad you found my site all those months ago.

    I love stopping by daily to find out about something new. You cover all sorts of interesting stuff, much of which I’ve never heard of. 😀


  4. K November 23, 2007 at 4:20 pm #

    Sorry for the late reply.. just got back from my Vegas trip. You guys are my inspiration.

    @Brown.. thanks buddy!

    @Mark.. it is definitely true! I won’t disappoint you.

    @Kyle.. I hope to continue to do the same! I’m glad I found your site as well.

  5. Stephen Cronin December 12, 2007 at 10:52 am #

    K, I’m so far behind with my reading at the moment that I’ve only just seen this! You definitely deserve the award – I really love your blog! Thanks for mentioning mine.

  6. K December 12, 2007 at 12:59 pm #

    Stephen, thanks a lot! I know the feeling and sometimes I enjoy reading other blogs than writing. With my writing schedule I just do 4-5 posts a week so it gives me a lot of time to catch up with other blogs. 😀

  7. Chris Lodge December 14, 2007 at 10:49 pm #

    😮 The pingback has only just appeared in my dashboard, and given my slack reading habits of late….. 😳

    Thanks K, too kind and completely undeserved as this late reply shows….[slinks off quietly]

  8. K December 16, 2007 at 3:34 am #

    No worries. I am just glad to see back and around! You are very welcome. 😀