Google Nexus S Available in Best Buy Today

Google Nexus S Available in Best Buy Today

Google announced their second phone – Nexus S recently with some impressive specs. It has an awesome 4” contour display, 1Hz Hummingbird processor and comes loaded with the latest Android 2.3 Gingerbread version.   Google’s own phone- Nexus One is popular among techies as they provide a pure, unadulterated Google Android experience. And I am […]

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Pingdom Adds Free Website Monitoring

Pingdom Adds Free Website Monitoring

Pingdom is one of the premium website monitoring services out there. We have looked at free website monitoring services such as Montastic. Free website monitoring services like Montastic could suffice if your needs don’t go beyond knowing when your website goes down. But, if you wanted to know more about uptimes, response times, error analysis, […]

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Photoshop tip: Converting Background to Transparent

I have looked this tip up atleast 3 times in the last few weeks. So, for my own sake (and for anyone else looking for it) I am writing this down here. 🙂 Of course there are multiple ways to do the same thing as in most things tech. Here is what worked for me. […]

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Find Website Loading Times at 50 Locations

I am usually checking how fast our sites are loading anytime we make major changes to the sites. I just came across a cool website that can show how fast a webpage loads from 50 different locations. is a very nice looking website that shows hos fast a website loads. It runs through different […]

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Firefox Extensions: Picks of the Week 09-04-09

Firefox Extensions: Picks of the Week 09-04-09

There has never been a time when I found it hard to find new and cool extensions that I wanted to talk about. Here we go with some more awesome add-ons! Of course check out my Top Firefox Extensions to find some of the all-time best add-ons!

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Windows Live Essentials 2011 Download

Microsoft does a few things right. One of them is the Windows Live Essentials free software package. Windows Live Essentials is a bundle of free software and contains a nice array of quality software for Windows. Did I say it’s free? I download this package just for Windows Live Writer – a free blogging tool […]

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Excellent Free Online Book – Dive Into HTML5

If you are interested in learning HTML5, there is an excellent online book from Mark Pilgrim. Dive into HTML5 is available online for you to read for free. However, you can also purchase the print edition of from O’Reilly. This is an interesting strategy for a book to be available for free online as well […]

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Tech Deals of the Day 04-29-11 [Mothers Day Gift Ideas]

How could it be fun ending a week without some juicy deals? Plus, Mother’s Day is next weekend so you could score some brownie points if you order a gift on time. Here we go Too many remote controls? Logitech Harmony 700 Rechargeable Remote with Color Screen for $89 with free shipping. Rechargeable and supports […]

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Looking For iPad 2 Alternative? Check out Enspert Identity Tab

Are you sick of the wait for the Apple iPad 2  tablet or just looking for an Android tablet? I just came across this Android tablet sporting Froyo 2.2 in Enspert Identity Tab E201U Android 2.2 Froyo Tablet 7" Multi Touch Capacitive Screen. Certified Google Marketplace for $349.00. Identity Tab E201U Features Android 2.2 […]

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Adobe Photoshop Elements 9 SALE – $39.99 Shipped AR

Adobe Photoshop Elements 9 for Windows/Mac usually sells for $99.99. Amazon as a part of the daily deals has the Adobe Photoshop Elements 9 (Win/Mac) on sale for $59.99 with free shipping. And you get $20 off with a mail-in rebate dropping the final price down to a whopping $39.99 with free shipping! That’s a […]

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Google Chrome – New Kid in the Browser Block

Google Chrome – New Kid in the Browser Block

After years of Google working on it’s own browser, Google has released it today. Let’s welcome Google Chrome. If you subscribe to a few tech blogs, I am sure you are going to be inundated, even feel sick with news about Google Chrome. So, I am going to keep this brief and just show a […]

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Passpack Mobile Comes to iPhone, Android & Opera Mini

If you are a regular here, you already know that Passpack is my choice online password manager web app. I use it to store all my passwords, software keys, frequent flyer cards, or any info that I want access to safely while I am on the road. So far, Passpack was great to access remotely […]

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Rainmaker Fills Your Google Contacts With Social Info

I have been using Google Contacts as my primary contacts database for a while now. I even sync my iPhone to Google Contacts and try to maintain a nice address book there. But, with so many friends over at Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter and their contact information different or incomplete in different areas it is […]

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Animoto – End of the Slideshows Era

Image slideshows have been around for a while. We are used to wading through the monotone pace of image slidheshows from our albums in computer or photo services such as Flickr, Picasa, etc. Animoto aims to put an end to image slideshows as we know it. Animoto is a web application that takes your images […]

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Happy 6th Birthday, YouTube! [Infographic]

I was just listening to the audiobook – In The Plex: How Google Thinks, Works, and Shapes Our Lives (book review) and was fascinated to learn how YouTube was developed and what happened behind the scenes when Google acquired it. Well, it is YouTube’s 6th birthday and this little infographic Google has posted shows how […]

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