Dropbox is one of my favorite web services. Regular readers here probably have seen a lot of posts on Dropbox. But, if you are still wondering What is Dropbox, wonder no more. Common Craft are known for their simple videos that can explain complex concepts very easily and they have done one for Dropbox. Did […]

Jinni Gives Intelligent Movie Recommendations
on October 2, 2009 in Featured, Tech for Life
Do you scour through sites like IMDB, Rotten Tomatoes, etc to find a good movie to watch tonight? What if you could tell someone what kind of “movie mood” you are in and you got recommendations? Jinni is a new web service that does just that. Here’s a short brief about what Jinni is Jinni […]

Flickroom – Awesome Adobe Air Desktop App for Flickr
on October 1, 2009 in Featured, Tech for Life
I love Adobe Air apps that bring web applications right to your desktop in slick and easy to use interfaces. Flickroom is also an Adobe Air application (beta) that beings the most popular photo-sharing site in the Internet, Flickr, to your desktop. Flickroom is shiny, dark and very intuitive to use. If you are a […]

Evernote Windows 3.5 New Features
on September 28, 2009 in Featured, Tech for Life
Evernote has been my favorite note taking application in my desktop, iPhone as well as the web. Evernote is free and it keeps your in sync between all these platforms all the time. Plus, Evernote has been in the leading edge on online note taking and I switched to it even before Google Notebook bit […]

Quick Tip: Ubuntu Linux Adobe Air Installation Error
on September 22, 2009 in Tech for Life
I am just making a note for myself here and anyone else who might encounter this error. Scenario I was trying to install TweetDeck in LinuxMint Gloria – a Ubuntu Jaunty 9.0.4 variant. Error Could not be installed because another application is already being installed. (I didn’t grab the TweetDeck error screenshot so I reproduced […]

Pre-Order Windows 7 Home Premium for $30
on September 21, 2009 in Featured, Money Matters, Tech for Life, Windows, Windows 7
If you have a valid US college email address, read on. Or if you know someone who has one and would help you out, keep reading. Microsoft has a promotion going at Win741.com where they are offering U.S. students Windows 7 Home Premium edition for just $30! Windows 7 Home Premium is going to retail […]

Friday Tech Deal: 1TB IOmega External USB Hard Drive $75 Shipped
on September 18, 2009 in Household, Money Matters, Tech for Life
We have owned the 500GB Western Digital Passport for a while. We love it for its size (about the size of an iPhone) and portability. But, we are quickly filling it up and have been looking around for a 1TB external hard drive which we would just keep at home for backups. Small form factor […]

Free Video to Flash Converter
on September 16, 2009 in Tech for Life
I was looking to convert some avi files to flash format to publish to web. A colleague showed me this cool free tool that lets you do it painlessly. DVDVideoSoft.com offers a free tool – Free Video to Flash Converter on their website. It is a 12.2 MB download and once installed just launch the […]

Firefox Extensions: Picks of the Week 09-08-28
on September 11, 2009 in Featured, Tech for Life
Mozilla has released a security update for Firefox 3.5.3. Make sure you install it as soon as you can. Plus, Firefox 3.5.3 checks your current Adobe Flash Plugin version that will show you if it needs to be updated. With Firefox 3.6, you would be able to go a Plugin status page and see which […]

Quick Tip: Gmail Down? Access Gmail using iGoogle
on September 1, 2009 in Gmail, Google, Tech for Life, Tips & Tricks
Gmail has been down, reportedly worldwide, for a tleast an hour for me now. But there is a workaround. If you have POP access or IMAP enabled accounts setup, you can still access your Gmail. It works fine. Here is a list of supported POP clients if you don’t have one. If you don’t have […]

MagicJack Gets Laptop Friendly Setting
on August 30, 2009 in Gadgets, Household, Life matters, Magicjack, Money Matters, Tech for Life
MagicJack is the VOIP phone service that costs $20/year for long distance phone calls. I have written a MagicJack review a while back and have been using it for almost over 18 months happily. In a recent MagicJack software update, I noticed something that will make the road warriors very happy! One great thing about […]

Watch Movies Online for Free, Legally
on August 28, 2009 in Household, Tech for Life
Subconsciously I have started to write about entertainment related stuff on Fridays. Especially about watching movies online. If you feel squaemish about watching movies online in questionable sites, this post is for you. You can watch movies online for free, legally. Speedcine is a site that indexes thousands of movies in their database with links […]

Stylish Non Adobe Air Windows Twitter Client – Blu
on August 24, 2009 in Featured, Social Networking, Tech for Life, Twitter, Windows Freeware
Adobe Air platform probably has the most number of Twitter clients. Adbobe AIR is a new technology that brings web applications to your desktop via a familiar desktop app like interface. A few popular Twitter clients on Adobe AIR are Twhirl, TweetDeck, DestroyTwitter, Seesmic, etc. I used Twhirl for the longest time and since converted […]

Add Overlays to Your Twitter Avatar
on August 21, 2009 in Featured, Tech for Life
Adding Twitter overlays – little icons signifying something you like or support is all the rage in Twitter these days. For instance, I sported a little Indian flag in my Twitter avatar celebrating India’s Independence day on August 15th. You could be showing your support or celebrating an event and this is a great way […]

Quick Tip: How to Take Gorgeous Infant Photographs?
on August 20, 2009 in Good Reads, Life matters
In my friends circle, it’s babies galore this year! More than half a dozen of my friends have had the wonderful moments in their lives welcoming a newborn into their family. Congratulations Kannan, Prasanna, Ravi, Suren, Vinod, Murali, Karthik & Ravi! I thought of you guys when I came across this article on 5 Tips […]
- Why Should a DBA Learn Hadoop? May 1, 2013
- Simple Task Management with Todoist November 18, 2012
- Machinarium’s Experience With Non-DRM/Piracy, Offers Amnesty November 18, 2012
- Firefox Extensions: Picks of the Week 09-03-24 November 18, 2012
- Typealyzer – What Type is Your Blog? November 18, 2012
- Get CommentLuv And KeywordLuv For Your Comments August 2, 2011
- 40+ Best WordPress Plugins for 2011 July 1, 2011
- Blogging Tip: Turn off FeedBurner Redirect in RSS Feeds October 31, 2007
- How To Get Around To Those Blocked Websites June 6, 2011
- MagicJack Review – VOIP Service for $20/Year May 5, 2008