Firefox hosts a great contest with every major release of Firefox versions for extension developers. Now, Mozilla has announced the winners for the Extend Firefox 3.5 contest! Best New Add-on Grand Prize Winners (3) FireFound by Chris Finke Find lost or stolen laptops and phones with a simple and secure Firefox extension FireFound is an […]

Firefox Extensions: Picks of the Week 09-12-01 Contest Edition
on December 1, 2009 in Featured, Firefox

What Free Apps Are You Thankful For?
on November 24, 2009 in Featured, Money Matters, Tech for Life, Tips & Tricks, Web Apps, Windows, Windows Freeware
Lifehacker had an interesting post yesterday that prompted me to post this article In fact, I have used the same title here. What Free Apps Are You Thankful for? I love finding free and quality applications that we can use everyday and share it here for anyone looking for one. In light of Thanksgiving, I […]

How to Setup Google Analytics Intelligence Alerts?
on November 23, 2009 in Featured, Google, Google Analytics, Tech for Life, Tips & Tricks
Google does a lot of things right and Google Analytics that help monitor your website traffic is definitely one among them. Google Analytics is a free and powerful website statistics gathering application. If you run a website(s), you are probably using Google Analytics to measure your site traffic. Google Analytics just added a cool new […]

How You Too Can Try Google Chrome OS
on November 22, 2009 in Google, Google Chrome OS, Tech for Life
Google Chrome OS made the splash on Friday with it’s announcement that it’s been open sourced. So, what if you wanted to try Google Chrome OS to get a hands on feel for its awesome features like the 7-second boot time? TechCrunch has posted a nice tutorial on how to run Google Chrome OS yourself […]

Microsoft Office 2010 Beta Now Available for Download
on November 20, 2009 in Microsoft Office, Tech for Life, Windows, Windows Freeware
I guess it’s free beta week this time. We just saw that we can download and try Adobe Lightroom 3 beta for free. If you have uploaded to Windows 7 recently, you might be looking to re-install your Office software or the free Open Office software. Microsoft recently announced Office 2010 with a ton of […]

Beware: Facebook Phishing Scam in the Wild
on November 19, 2009 in Facebook, Featured, Social Networking, Tech for Life, Tips & Tricks
I woke up this morning to see 45 emails via Facebook. Looks like I started spamming my friends’ walls with messages like ‘How to make $6000 with hot colon?’. Luckily, I have friends who know me better than to post such nonsense in their walls and they said so. Finally, the Facebook team had sensed […]

WordPress Wins Best Overall Open Source CMS Award
on November 18, 2009 in Blogging, Tech for Life, WordPress
PacktPub awards Open Source CMS Awards every year. To my delight, WordPress has won the Overall Best Open Source CMS Award for the 2009 Open Source CMS Awards. In the last 4 years, this is the first time WordPress has won this award. Plus, it was named first runner-up in the Best Open Source PHP […]

Mozilla Announces Weave Sync 1.0 beta 1
on November 17, 2009 in Featured, Firefox, Firefox Add-ons, Mozilla Labs
It has been a while since I have covered Mozilla Labs. It is one of the cool places where some of the cutting edge web technologies like Prism, Personas, Ubiquity, Bespin, Snowl, Geode, etc. Mozilla Weave is one such technology out of Mozilla labs. Weave enables you to have incredibly rich, personalized experiences across the […] Adds GeoLocation Feature
on November 16, 2009 in WordPress
Location awareness is becoming ubiquitous. With iPhone apps like Brightkite & Loopt, web apps like Flickr have embraced geo tagging and ability to search people or pictures by location has been around for a while. Most recently, Twitter added goetagging to the tweets so you can look up tweets by location. Now, my favorite open […]

Stop Magicjack From Popping Up In Your Screen
on November 14, 2009 in Gadgets, Magicjack, Tech for Life, Tips & Tricks
I love Magicjack. Where else can you get unlimited long distance for $20/year? If you haven’t tried it yet, check out my Magicjack review. If you used Magicjack, you know you get a dialer in your desktop or laptop where you have the Magicjack software installed. One annoying thing about it is that, even when […]

Download Adobe Lightroom 3 Beta For Free
on November 13, 2009 in Digital Cameras, Gadgets, Windows, Windows Freeware
I bought my favorite entry-level DSLR camera – Canon Rebel T1i (EOS 500D) last week and it just arrived! It looks gorgeous and I am ready to start taking some pictures this weekend. I have used Picasa for organizing my photos so far. I have heard about Adobe Lightroom 2 a lot but couldn’t justify […]

Amazon Kindle App for Windows PC
on November 11, 2009 in eBook Readers, Gadgets, Windows
Amazon has been seeing some great success in the e-book reader market with their Kindle and the Kindle 2 wireless eBook reading device. Despite the announcements by various retailers including Sony, Barnes & Nobles, Kindle enjoys a sizeable lead in this area. You can ebooks on Amazon from a WiFi enabled Kindle and download ebooks […]

TrakkBoard – Adobe Air Google Analytics Dashboard
on November 9, 2009 in Adobe Air, Featured, Google, Google Analytics
Google Analytics is an excellent analytics program for webmasters to keep track of website statistics. Google has a winner with this free tool for webmasters and I use it on every site I run. It offers a myriad of features and I hardly use maybe 50% of the features in there. I like to spend […]

Was My Gmail Hacked This Morning?
on November 4, 2009 in Gmail, Google, Tech for Life, Tips & Tricks
I really thought that was the case when I saw a bunch of emails marked as read when I know for sure I hadn’t opened them. I was in a 3 hour meeting. My first thought was to check to see if anyone else is logged into my Gmail account elsewhere right now. You can […]

Best Deal on Canon EOS Rebel T1i DSLR + EF-S 18-55mm f/3.5-5.6 IS Lens + EF-S 55-250mm f/4.0-5.6 IS Telephoto Lens
on November 3, 2009 in Digital Cameras, Featured, Gadget Deals, Gadgets
I stepped up into an advanced amateur photography domain with Canon SX 10 purchase a few months back and have had nothing but fun with that camera. Last night, I came across an excellent deal on a DSLR Camera that has been on my wish list for a long time – Canon EOS Rebel T1i […]
- Why Should a DBA Learn Hadoop? May 1, 2013
- Simple Task Management with Todoist November 18, 2012
- Machinarium’s Experience With Non-DRM/Piracy, Offers Amnesty November 18, 2012
- Firefox Extensions: Picks of the Week 09-03-24 November 18, 2012
- Typealyzer – What Type is Your Blog? November 18, 2012
- Get CommentLuv And KeywordLuv For Your Comments August 2, 2011
- 40+ Best WordPress Plugins for 2011 July 1, 2011
- Blogging Tip: Turn off FeedBurner Redirect in RSS Feeds October 31, 2007
- How To Get Around To Those Blocked Websites June 6, 2011
- MagicJack Review – VOIP Service for $20/Year May 5, 2008