Binary Moon Links Competition – Get Free PR7 Links for Entering

Writing great content is a crucial part of blogging but just writing good content alone will not bring readers. Sometimes, we have to reach out to a wider audience and give them a chance to know about your blog. From then on, it is up to them to become a reader or not.

Contests are a great way of reaching a wider audience and Binary Moon is doing just that. Chances of winning apart, it does bring curious participants to see who they are competing against depending on the nature of the contest.

The Contest

I learnt about Binary Moon’s contest from Chris at Blog-Op. Binary Moon is offering PR7 links to anyone who writes a short post (100- 200 words) and link it to an article from their archives. Entrants have the possibility of winning the following:

  • A link in the roundup post for all entrants residing in the home page for a couple of days.
  • All winners will receive a link in Binary Moon Blogroll and it is currently valued at $150.00
  • Top winner will receive a website review valued at $200.00 at ReviewMe.

Check out the Binary Moon Links Competition post for complete details. The competition ends 15th August.

Binary Moon Custom Login Plugin

Binary Moon has released a popular WordPress theme named Regulus. While browsing through their archives, I noticed this nice tip on how to create your own Custom WordPress Login Page. In fact, they have released a WordPress Plugin with excellent help on how to get it done! I might give this Plugin a whirl.

Special Mention – Invesp $800 Contest

Invesp Consulting is running a contest to increase their RSS subscription and giving away up to $800! Thanks Mathew for reminding me to post about it. Mathew has become a good friend of mine and runs the great Blog About Your Blog, where I contribute as an author now and then.

You just have to subscribe to their feed. Before the end of August, a secret word will appear in the feed. Catch that and email it to the address found in the post. There will be a drawing for $300. If the winner is in their MyBlogLog community, the winner gets $100. By then, if they have reached 5000 subscribers, the winner doubles the prize to $800!

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3 Responses to “Binary Moon Links Competition – Get Free PR7 Links for Entering”

  1. Nirmal August 7, 2007 at 3:30 pm #

    Nice review, I liked the custom login page concept. 🙂

  2. K-IntheHouse August 8, 2007 at 2:18 am #

    Thanks Nirmal! I think it will be great for a business blog to get some branding or if designing is your forte, which I know is for you. 🙂


  1. Links competition now closed » Binary Moon » The home of Ben Gillbanks - August 16, 2007

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