How Presidential Elections Work in US? [video]

CommonCraft has done it again. If you haven’t heard their name, they were behind the popular videos like RSS in Plain English, Google Reader in Plain English, etc.

They have a knack for explaining things in a very simple and effective way. Now, they explain how Americans elect their President in this short and simple video.

With the fate of the Presidential Election 2008 being decided today, you probably understand better how things work with this election of a US President!

{Thanks Amit}

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4 Responses to “How Presidential Elections Work in US? [video]”

  1. Aaron@HR Software November 5, 2008 at 12:31 pm #

    Nice informative video.. one day late commenting because I was sick on the most important day in US history 🙁

    Aarons last blog post..November is National Flu Awareness Month

  2. Steve@Jobs In China November 14, 2008 at 8:21 am #

    Hi K,

    Great video – helps all of us in the rest of the world work out just how that American system works!

    By the way, what’s the story behind changing your feed to I haven’t heard about that service.

    Steves last blog post..Flickr Picks – No pissing on the Guangzhou Metro

  3. K November 15, 2008 at 10:45 am #

    Stephen, glad you liked it.

    Google has been moving Feedburner accounts to the Feedproxy address and it is an opt-in. I can’t remember where I’ve seen that option (maybe inside my Adsense account – as I remember this was tied to the intro of Adsense for feeds). I’d have to say that Adsense for feeds isn’t working out that great for me yet so I’m considering removing it and I am not willing to place the ads in the top of the feed either inconveniencing my subscribers. 🙂

  4. Steve@Jobs In China November 16, 2008 at 8:38 am #

    Thanks for the info K. I haven’t seen it yet. I don’t use Adsense for feeds, so maybe it’s that.

    My theory about Adsense for feeds is that Google loves targetted traffic, which is why I only show ads to search engine visitors. Adsense for feeds goes against that, it’s going to be regular visitors clicking, not people searching for something. I’m not sure what Google are thinking, because it won’t provide their advertisers with targetted traffic and they’ve shown time and again that that’s important…

    Steves last blog post..What Do You Want: Professional Jobs In China Or Jobs Teaching English?