Friday Fun – College Humor

College is an excellent place to learn and have fun. For a lot of people, its mostly fun and then they learn on the job. Nothing wrong with that!

I stumbled on this funny video and these college students are actually having fun with psychology showing how different people react to a situation. What would you do when an angry mob runs at you?

Video link - Click on the image please to view video

The nonchalant old guy is the best and I wish I could keep my cool like he did. Iā€™d probably be like the rest and run as fast as I could! šŸ™‚

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One Response to “Friday Fun – College Humor”

  1. Garry Conn June 20, 2007 at 5:30 pm #

    That was totally funny! The old guy is like… whatever! I am glad that they didn’t decide to pick him up and throw him in the air like the other guy…