Comodo Internet Security PRO License Giveaway

I am really happy to announce a huge giveaway here in ShanKrila. Yes, I am giving away 30 Comodo Internet Security licenses with LivePCSupport – about $1200 value!

Comodo Internet Security PRO

A great anti-virus and firewall package that is available as FREE as well as a PRO version. So, what do you get with the PRO version that you don’t get in FREE?

You get Comodo Internet Security with LivePCSupport services for an entire year! A $99 value just by itself.


How to Enter?

It’s very simple. You get entries for each of these 2 quick actions

  1. Subscribe by RSS or by Email – subscribe to the RSS feed or subscribe to get free updates by email.
    I will publish a secret phrase in the footer of the post towards the end of the contest. Email me the phrase to shankrila20 at gmail dot com or use the contact form by April 30th 11:59PM EST to gain 3 entries. Use a subject of ‘ShanKrila Giveaway‘ in the email.
  2. Twitter – Tweet about the contest by pasting the following or something similar to gain 1 entry. (Follow me on Twitter to get up to the minute contest updates and other tech news)
    Make sure you use the hashtag #shankrila in your tweet. has a huge Comodo Internet Security PRO licenses giveaway #shankrila

    Leave a comment with a link to your tweet.

Contest Ends

Make sure you email me the secret phrase by April 30 to gain 3 entries (4 entries if you tweet about the contest).

Winners will be picked randomly and announced on May 1st. I will email the license code to the winners on May 1st.

It’s my parents wedding day and I can’t think of a better day to announce the winners.

Good luck!

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11 Responses to “Comodo Internet Security PRO License Giveaway”

  1. Ankit April 16, 2009 at 2:04 pm #

    I am all set to go..Subscribed using email now,even thgh i was subscribed thrgh greader.Twitter has taken away my focus frm greader:D

    Tweeted about it as well,and m t first one to comment too!!!do i get extra brownie points for being the first one:D jus kidding

    Ankits last blog post..Indian IT Outsourcing Is Here To Stay:JP Morgan To Up The Outsourcing To India By 25%

  2. Mark at Darn Good Reviews April 18, 2009 at 10:45 am #

    Count me in! Not really sure how to bookmark my tweet, but I made one at I promise!

    I know it’s not a requirement and that it won’t earn extra points, but I also posted about it here for a little extra exposure for you. 🙂

    And I’ve been a longtime subscriber!

    Mark at Darn Good Reviewss last blog post..Win A 6MP Digital Camera

  3. Angelo April 21, 2009 at 6:43 am #

    I almost missed out on this awesome contest! I’m set to go with the email subscription and you can find my tweet here:

  4. Madhur Kapoor April 21, 2009 at 11:20 am #

    Here is my tweet

    Madhur Kapoors last blog post..SmoothDraw – Painting and Image Editing Software

  5. April 22, 2009 at 8:30 am #

    WOw that is a kick ass give away. Thanks for sharing your product.

    tvshows.answerblip.coms last blog post..American Dad: Oedipal Panties

  6. K May 1, 2009 at 11:06 pm #

    Thanks for everyone who entered the giveaway. I have sent the license key to the winners via email. Comments are now closed for this contest.

    Ks last blog post..FeedDemon Brings Google Reader Sync to Desktop

  7. make money from home August 12, 2011 at 12:58 am #

    I always want to
    secure the connection of my network. There are various anti-virus and firewall
    I have tried but I think they doesn’t work well. I will have the time to avail
    this one too. 

  8. Top 10 antivirus May 15, 2012 at 9:14 am #

    Security is must in this Internet era. TO be secure we have a lots of market AV programs. I have used many different one with different features. Norton, AVG and avast all the best one. However i have not used this one but i will surely use it ASAP. Thanks for this post.


  1. Best Drupal How-to Tutorial Videos | ShanKri-la - April 17, 2009

    […] Enter to win a Comodo AntiVirus & Firewall Pro License ($39.99 value) Hello there, thanks for visiting and reading ShanKri-la. If you liked what […]

  2. Comodo Pro License Giveaway Reminder | ShanKrila - April 29, 2009

    […] a quick reminder that the Comodo Internet Security Pro giveaway is coming to an end tomorrow […]