Free Horror Movies Online: FEARNet

Following the entertainment theme of my last post where I showed how to stream your digital media to your HDTV using TVersity, here is another one on movies.

If you are a fan of horror films, videos, tv shows, FEARNet is a site to visit. FEARNet is an online network for horror movies, videos, news and upcoming releases. Watch Horror Movies Online

Plus, you can watch plenty of full-length horror movies for FREE online. Here are a few free movies that were listed – some old movies and some new movies.

  • Saw III
  • Night of the Creeps
  • Haunted Highway
  • The Butcher

Also, there are many videos and behind the scene videos from horror tv shows. You can also see trailers, clips, short films, interviews and music videos.

Plus, there’s a social network including a community you can join, blogs to read, forums to post audio and video, etc.

If you have been wondering what to do this weekend you could get a load of horror movies, for free!

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6 Responses to “Free Horror Movies Online: FEARNet”

  1. sonypinto April 22, 2009 at 3:18 am #

    Here, you can watch free full length movies online, both Hollywood and horror movies watch live TV online. It includes numerous TV channels of different countries around the world and contains large collection of latest movies. No registration require to access all this.

    sonypintos last blog post..Crank 2: High Voltage

  2. thomas May 16, 2009 at 4:53 pm #

    HAHAHAHA this is awesome. I am going to tell my dad about the horror site as he is a big time fan of horror movies. I am sure he will enjoy it very much. Thanks for the post I had no idea something like this was available.

    thomas@web hosting reviewss last blog post..StartLogic

  3. Alex May 26, 2009 at 6:21 am #

    This is great!
    It’ll certainly minimize my Blockbuster fees anyway 😛

    Alexs last blog post..Accessories make the outfit!

  4. Movies Online June 27, 2009 at 5:07 pm #

    Your site and posts are very interesting ! Thanks for providing such a great resource. With so many junk sites out there it’s refreshing to find one with valuable, useful information ! I’ll be back to read regularly !
    Alvaro Ramirez R.


  1. Free Horror Movies Online: FEARNet | ShanKri-la « - April 3, 2009

    […] Here is the original post:  Free Horror Movies Online: FEARNet | ShanKri-la […]

  2. Friday Funk and Stuff « DarcKnyt - May 1, 2009

    […] Free Horror Movies Online: FEARNet ( […]