New Flock Social Browser Based on Chromium

Just when we were thinking the good old social browser Flock is dying a slow death, they have come back renewed!

Flock has just released a new version of their social browser this time based on Chromium. Chromium is the open source browser project Google made Open Source when they released the Google Chrome browser.

Flock has ditched Mozilla’s Firefox and has moved over to Google Chrome as its base and totally re-engineered their social browser.

For those new to Flock, it is a social web browser where they let you add all your social networking accounts and provide easy access to them as well as nice integration so you can seamless share content with your friends as you browse.


Here is what I found on the Flock blog

These are exciting times around the Flock offices and in our wider community. As many of you know, we recently launched the New Flock Social Browser and the response from our users and people new to the Flock experience has been phenomenal. A core focus of the new Flock is to help users better manage the large volume of information and relationships they interact with online each day and we’ve been blown away to see that our first 20,000 new Flock beta users have viewed, managed and interacted with over 100,000,000 "activities" in the Flock sidebar in the first 3 weeks of using product! ("activities" include tweets, DMs, status updates, comments, feeds, requests, invites, photo upload notifications, etc, etc.)

Right now, the new Flock browser (beta) seems to support only Facebook, Twitter and Youtube. But, the integration is similar to the one before. You could see the Twitter, Facebook updates in the sidebar. Also, you could see them as a unified view if you use multiple accounts and just want to check them together.

You could also add your favorite RSS feeds in the mix.

Earlier, I believe they had integrated Delicious, StumbleUpon, Gmail, etc but the new motto ‘Built for Twitter and Facebook’ probably makes it clear on their intentions to keep things focused on these 2 powerhouses.

I have been using Google Chrome more and more lately for casual surfing and Firefox for Web development. I am giving Flock a try to see if it really aids my social networking seamlessly while working just like Google Chrome. if it does, we will have a winner here with most Google Chrome fans.

The new Flock beta is now only available on Windows and you can enter your email address to get notified for a Mac version.

Download New Flock browser

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