Even in this day and age, there are still a lot of publishers who believe in increasing their pageviews by offering only partial RSS feeds. This effectively makes the reader click through and read the rest of the article on the website.
Atleast, that’s what the publishers hope to achieve. But, if you are like me you probably just unsubscribe from the partial RSS feed quickly as there are plenty of other fish in the sea with full RSS feeds.
I only keep very few partial RSS feeds but generally they are gone from my Google Reader. Even with those few it is still a pain. With my feed reader, I know which of the stories from that site I have already read. Once I click over and go the post, I have no idea.
So, how can we convert those partial RSS feeds into full RSS feeds without leaving our favorite feed reader?
WizardRSS is a 100% free service that converts partial RSS feeds into full text RSS feeds. All you have to do is enter that partial RSS feed at wizardrss.com and click convert to full RSS feed.
Just copy the URL it produces and add it to your feed reader.
For eg: If the actual partial RSS feed is
the new full text feed URL looks like this
So, basically you don’t even have to visit the website to convert. You just need to append www.wizardrss.com/feed/ in front of the partial RSS feed and you are all set.
When I tried this on a few partial feeds I had, it worked for the most part but borked on a few feeds. I can’t seem to find a common thread but this is better than nothing for me.
If this has been an annoyance for you, give WizardRSS a try!