Sorry I went missing for a couple of days. I really should consider writing some posts ahead of time for days such as this but it feels like going to the dentist. I just love to write at the spur of the moment.
Top Commentators Edition
I decided to see what’s being written by our top commentators this month and found some real gems in there.
- Streaming Video over the Internet/LAN – Rakshit Khare
Rakshit shows you how to stream video from your computer via Internet/LAN. I can see some folks finding this useful. - AdGridwork Has Opened Their Blog For Business – Troy of Free Website Project
I have used the free advertising network AdGridwork before and didn’t have much luck with it. It looks like they have undergone some nice changes and you can read all about it from Troy’s post. - Best of: Firefox Greasemonkey Scripts – Kyle of SlickMania
Need I say more? I love Greasemonkey scripts and this post is heaven for me. One of the most comprehensive collection of best Firefox Greasemonkey scripts around. Great work Kyle!
- SponsoredReviews Brightens Up The Place – Mark of MeAndMyDrum
I just recently got my first SponsoredReviews offer but after the Google PR slap I am not sure if it’s a good idea as their reviews require a no ‘no-follow’ links to the sponsor. Mark has written a post on some new improvements there. Also, a belated happy birthday for blog’s first birthday.
- Photobucket Improves Slideshow Tool – Brown of Brown Thoughts
I have used Photobucket a lot in the past and they have come up with some new improvements. Read all about it in Brown’s post. Don’t forget to checkout the funny slideshow he has made!
- Encrypt Folders with Folder Encryption – Madhur Kapoor
Learn how to encryot complete folders in your system with Madhur’s cool post. - Create Online Flip Books From PDF Easily – My post at Techie-Buzz
As the title suggests, you can now create some cool online flip books with this service. Very neat.
That’s it for this week and hope you enjoy whatever’s left in the weekend. We are off to P.F.Changs for lunch to celebrate a friend’s birthday.
Thanks for the great mention buddy!
Brown Baron’s last blog post..Brown Talk #36: Community Day Sunday
Thanks for the mention buddy.
Rakshit’s last blog post..On Track againβ¦
Thanks for the link love buddy . Greatly appreciated
Madhur Kapoor’s last blog post..XFX 9600 GT launched
Hmm, maybe this is unique enough: Thanks for the link-love-mention buddy!
Mark’s last blog post..And The Winner Isβ¦
Wow, thanks for the link! Adgridwork also has a newsletter where they keep you informed of other free services for those who are interested. They have found some pretty enticing free offers π
That is quite the collection of great content….all in one spot!
Thanks for mentioning my Gresaemonkey post. It sure was quite the timesink throwing it together!
Kyle Eslick’s last blog post..New Information About Mozilla Thunderbird 3.0
Brown.. you are very welcome!
Rakshit.. always welcome man!
Madhur.. my pleasure! π
Mark.. you are welcome buddy!
Troy.. I get them too but just haven’t been paying attention to what they were saying until I saw your post. π
Kyle.. I am sure it was but you’ll reap it’s benefits for years to come! π
Thanks for the awesome links buddy. I had been away from the blogosphere since my site went into the black hole on 12th feb and I am starting it again, as of today. π₯
Btw I really liked this link “Best of: Firefox Greasemonkey Scripts – by Kyle of SlickMania”. I also love greasemonkey scripts! π