Good Reads: Buzz in Blogs 2007-08-09

Let’s take a look around and see what other bloggers are talking about lately.

  • Ultimate Guide to time saving for Bloggers – Tips and ResourcesShankar Ganesh
    Most of us are blogging after our regular work schedule and it does take its toll on our life after work. Shankar has some great tips on how to become efficient. I could relate to a lot of these points as well as gain a few tips myself.
  • Walk2Web: New Visual Search EngineBrown Thoughts
    A very cool visual representation of links to your blog or site posted by my friend Brown Baron. Check it out and check out all the great comments this post generated.
  • 10 WordPress Plugins All WordPress Blogs Should UseKyle Eslick
    Great list of WordPress plugins for beginners and experts alike. Good work, Kyle!
  • Default Password List For Network RoutersThe Wrong Advices
    A great help if you reset your router to factory settings and don’t have the manual handy. Or just to show off to your friends when they are in despair.
  • CyberNotes: How to Backup GMailRyan at CybetNet News
    Google has been in the news for all the wrong reasons lately. They deleted their own blog because they mistakenly marked it as spam (some say they were hacked). So, how safe is all your mails at GMail? It’s time to backup with Ryan’s help.
  • Creating Custom WordPress FeedsTim at Daily Cup of Tech
    Tim shows how you can create custom feeds for your WordPress blog. Check it out to get ideas on how you can get creative with all the criteria.
  • Guess The Next PageRank Update And Win Google Gear!Ryan Shamus
    As the title says it all, this is a cool contest to win some Google Gear! And, I am gaining 5 tickets just for mention this contest here. 🙂 Go ahead and check out the post to see how you can enter to win.

I try to focus on tech topics that would be useful to you in your daily life and it shouldn’t matter if you are tech savvy or not. With the Buzz in Blogs post, I can stray a little out of the circle and cover topics that I usually don’t post about for example, WordPress. In fact, I am trying to channel my interest in tech related to blogging and WordPress in my guest posts at Blog About Your Blog. If you are interested, here is my latest post on Backup Solutions for Your WordPress Blogs.

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6 Responses to “Good Reads: Buzz in Blogs 2007-08-09”

  1. Brown Baron August 10, 2007 at 4:03 am #

    I’m going to check all these posts out. Thanks for the mention buddy! 🙂

  2. Matthew August 10, 2007 at 5:21 am #

    thanks 🙂 btw im adding you to the BAYB blogroll 😀

  3. Shankar Ganesh August 10, 2007 at 7:15 am #

    Thanks for the mention! 🙂

  4. K-IntheHouse August 10, 2007 at 11:37 am #

    @Brown.. you are most welcome!

    @Mathew, that’s just awesome!

    @Shankar.. I realy liked that post and had to share it here. 🙂 You are very welcome.

  5. Kyle Eslick August 10, 2007 at 3:23 pm #

    Sweet, I have two new feeds I’m subscribed to now 😉

    I like how you’ve added your thoughts after the links!

  6. K-IntheHouse August 10, 2007 at 3:34 pm #

    Ryan Shamus is a new add for myself and the rest are already in my reader.

    I see link roundup posts in most bogs I read and the only ones I find with real value is when the author provides little insight into why they recommend those posts. I have seen you do the same with your Technology Talk. Great mind thin alike, huh? 🙂