I use Google Maps a lot on both the web as well as on my iPhone. However, I just came across an option in there to send your directions to different devices. For eg. you are looking up an address on the web in Google Maps and getting ready to leave. I’d normally email it […]

Tip: Send Google Maps Directions to Your Devices
on November 18, 2012 in Tech for Life, Tips & Tricks

Gmail Free Calls in US Extended Through 2011
on November 18, 2012 in Gmail, Google, Tech Deals, Tech for Life, Tips & Tricks
Google introduced free voice calling within US & Canada in Gmail back in August. With this feature, we could just call any phone number from within Gmail from the chat menu. Google has extended this free phone calls from Gmail program through all of 2011. Check out gmail.com/call for more information on this. { via […]
WordPress Tip: You Don’t Need an Embed Code Anymore
on November 18, 2012 in Blogging, Tips & Tricks, WordPress
We run a slew of WordPress based sites and I was just dumbstruck when I came across this little known feature. Atleast to me. I am sharing this here in case you didn’t know about it either. To embed videos or slideshows from various sites like YouTube, Vimeo, Flickr, etc, I am used to grabbing […]

Delicious to Google Bookmarks Import Script
on November 18, 2012 in Google, Tips & Tricks, Web Apps
It is no secret that Yahoo has expressed it lack of commitment for the popular bookmarking service Delicious. I have been leaning more towards Xmarks since it was last acquired by LastPass. However, Google Bookmarks is a viable option for a lot of people and now there is an import script available. Google has made […]

Tip: How to Free Up Space on Your Android Phone?
on November 18, 2012 in Android, Cellphones, Gadgets, Google, Tips & Tricks
My friends know that I am an iPhone fan but I always have an eye for all things Android. I just came across a nice article on Read Write Web on how to free up space on your Android Phone. This will be helpful to those with an Android smartphone. The few things you can […]
Photoshop tip: Converting Background to Transparent
on November 18, 2012 in Tips & Tricks
I have looked this tip up atleast 3 times in the last few weeks. So, for my own sake (and for anyone else looking for it) I am writing this down here. 🙂 Of course there are multiple ways to do the same thing as in most things tech. Here is what worked for me. […]

Find Website Loading Times at 50 Locations
on November 18, 2012 in Tips & Tricks, Web Apps
I am usually checking how fast our sites are loading anytime we make major changes to the sites. I just came across a cool website that can show how fast a webpage loads from 50 different locations. Loads.in is a very nice looking website that shows hos fast a website loads. It runs through different […]

Excellent Free Online Book – Dive Into HTML5
on November 18, 2012 in Tech for Life, Tips & Tricks, Web Apps
If you are interested in learning HTML5, there is an excellent online book from Mark Pilgrim. Dive into HTML5 is available online for you to read for free. However, you can also purchase the print edition of from O’Reilly. This is an interesting strategy for a book to be available for free online as well […]

Ubuntu Unity Keyboard Shortcuts Wallpaper
on November 18, 2012 in Linux, Tips & Tricks, Ubuntu Linux
Ubuntu Unity 11.04 is out for everyone now. The Unity interface is a huge overhaul and has a ton of new features and keyboard shortcuts. If you are a power user or want to be one, knowing keyboard shortcuts (or atleast having them close by) is a surefire way to that. AskUbuntu has created a […]

Access Blocked Websites By Email
on November 18, 2012 in Tech for Life, Tips & Tricks
For some reason, my getting around blocked websites has received a tremendous response here. So, I figured I’d share another way you can get to blocked websites just by using your email. MailMyWeb.com is a beta web service that lets you send an email with the url of the site you want as the subject. […]

Read Your Twitter As a Daily Newspaper – Paper.li
on November 18, 2012 in Social Networking, Tech for Life, Tips & Tricks, Twitter, Web Apps
Twitter has become an integral part of information flow these days. It has to by now since I have been using it since 2007! 🙂 But, consuming Twitter on the web can get boring. Even the excellent Twitter desktop client like TweetDeck can only do so much in consuming that ever-flowing river of information. How […]

Instant Fat Trimming For Your Twitter Account
on November 18, 2012 in Blogging, Social Networking, Tips & Tricks, Twitter, Web Apps
If you are on Twitter, you will really like this new tool I just found. I have come across many tools and recommendation service including Twitter’s own now-extinct recommendation list to find and follow new people. After being on Twitter for more than 2 years I have the ‘following too many people’ bloat. I follow […]

How to Run Firefox 4 and Firefox 3 At the Same Time?
on November 18, 2012 in Firefox, Tips & Tricks
I haven’t had the need to do this yet but thanks to @StephenCronin asking this question. With Firefox 4 out yesterday, there are many extension developers who haven’t updated their add-ons yet. Or you may want to test your website on Firefox 3 while using Firefox 4 simultaneously. Whatever the reason maybe, here is how […]

End to End Travel Help from Rome2Rio
on November 18, 2012 in Tips & Tricks, Web Apps
This nicely sums up the concept behind a new Google Maps mashup – Rome2Rio.com. “The airport to airport thing has been solved really well by Kayak and Hipmunk, so we want to do the other end like from the airport to where you want to go. Because no one goes on holiday at an airport,” […]

Create Professional Facebook Pages For Free
on November 18, 2012 in Facebook, Social Networking, Tech for Life, Tips & Tricks, Web Apps
Facebook has become a force to reckon with in the social networking world. It’s not just individuals benefitting from the Facebook effect. Businesses are also using Facebook to reach out to their customers and potential audiences. The default Facebook page you get to create are very bland and not eye-catching. Like anything on the web, […]
- Why Should a DBA Learn Hadoop? May 1, 2013
- Simple Task Management with Todoist November 18, 2012
- Machinarium’s Experience With Non-DRM/Piracy, Offers Amnesty November 18, 2012
- Firefox Extensions: Picks of the Week 09-03-24 November 18, 2012
- Typealyzer – What Type is Your Blog? November 18, 2012
- Get CommentLuv And KeywordLuv For Your Comments August 2, 2011
- 40+ Best WordPress Plugins for 2011 July 1, 2011
- Blogging Tip: Turn off FeedBurner Redirect in RSS Feeds October 31, 2007
- How To Get Around To Those Blocked Websites June 6, 2011
- MagicJack Review – VOIP Service for $20/Year May 5, 2008